Mosquito nibbles might be bothering and disturbing, so you have to search for viable practices and methods to maintain a strategic distance from them. Yet on the off chance that you experience mosquito chomps, there are numerous regular cures that you can try at home.
• As it is difficult to resist the urge to scratch the affected area, it can be scratched with the soft, pulpy side of a lemon slice so as to avoid the chances of developing any infection.
2-Apple cider vinegar
• Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for Mosquito Bites. Rubbing the affected area with a cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar is highly beneficial in relieving the intense itching caused by the bite.
• Simply applying ice on the affected area helps to reduce Mosquito Bites swelling and itching.
4-Lavender oil or tea tree oil
• Lavender oil and tea tree oil are regarded as excellent natural home remedies for Mosquito Bites home treatment. Preferably, these essential oils should be applied in combination by mixing about 2-3 drops of each of these oils. A mixture of olive oil and vinegar also serves as a good natural cure for Mosquito Bites.
5-Grapefruit seed extract
• Similarly, applying a combination of grapefruit seed extract and water or any vegetable oil is a valuable Mosquito Bites natural remedy.
6-Basil Leaves
• Application of crushed basil leaves is trusted herbal remedy used for reducing this problem considerably.
7-Banana peels
• Rubbing the inner side of banana peels on the site of the bite relieves Mosquito Bite related itching.
8-Aloe vera gel
• Applying aloe vera gel on the bitten area is another therapeutic home remedy for Mosquito Bites. It not only helps to reduce the itching but is also valuable for healing the wound.
9-Baking soda
• A paste prepared from baking powder and water can also be applied on the affected area get rid of this problem.
Alternatively, a solution of baking soda added in a glass of water can be applied on the area with the help a cotton ball and left for about 15-20 minutes. A solution of salt and water can also be used in the same way.
• Applying a mixture of garlic powder and water acts as good natural mosquito repellent and hence helps prevent Mosquito Bites to some extent.
• Honey, rubbing alcohol and strong tea mixed with rubbing alcohol serve as some popular Mosquito Bites home remedies.
As mosquitoes breed in wet areas and still waters, it is highly recommended to stay away from standing waters like ditches and swamps so as to avoid Mosquito Bites. Besides, empty water from toys, buckets, and flower pots etc holding standing water since a long time.