Your Weekly Food-Like-Product – Lunchables Pt. 2 – Pasteurized Prepared American Cheese Product


These are just some of the ingredients in Oscar Meyers Ham Lunchables. Because there are 67 of them.

  • Pt. 1 – Ham
  • Pt. 2 – Pasteurized Prepared American Cheese Product
  • Pt. 3 – Crackers
  • Pt. 4 – Cherry Flavored Water Beverage with Other Natural Flavors, Candy Bar

(9.) Pasteurized Prepared American Cheese Product

(Milk, Water, Milkfat, Milk Protein Concentrate, Whey, Whey Protein Concentrate, Contains Less than 2% of Sodium Citrate, Salt, Lactic Acid, Sorbic Acid as a Preservative, Cheese Culture, Enzymes, Oleoresin Paprika (Color), Annatto (Color), with Starch Added for Slice Separation)

The terms “pasteurization”, “pasteurized” and similar terms shall mean the process of heating every particle of milk or milk product

  • 63 C (145 F) for 30 minutes
  • 72 C (161 F) for 15 seconds
  • 89 C (191 F) for 1.0 second
  • 90 C (194 F) for 0.5 seconds
  • 94 C (201 F) for 0.1 seconds
  • 96 C (204 F) for 0.05 seconds
  • 100 C (212 F) 0.01 seconds

Milk production in the 23 major States during August totaled 15.7 billion pounds. The average price of milk in the past three months, June, July and August, was about $17.50 per 100 pounds.

National Statistics for Milk: Milk Sales Measured In $

  • 2008: $34,849,113,000
  • 2009: $24,338,642,000
  • 2010: $31,367,282,000
  • 2011: $39,513,587,000
  • 2012: $37,003,881,000

Short hand that’s about 165 billion dollars in 5 years in milk sales alone. That doesn’t include cheese, butter, yogurt or other dairy products derived from milk.

To assist States and Municipalities to maintain effective programs for the prevention of milk borne disease, the USPHS (United States Public Health Service), in 1924, developed a model regulation known as the ‘Standard Milk Ordinance’ for voluntary adoption by State and Local Milk Control Agencies.

This model milk regulation, titled the Grade “A” Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, incorporates the rules and regulations in the processing, packaging, and sale of Grade “A” milk and milk products, including buttermilk and buttermilk products, whey and whey products, and condensed and dry milk products

“It shall be unlawful for any person who does not possess a permit from the Regulatory Agency of the FDA or its jurisdiction, for sale, or to sell, or offer for sale therein or to have in storage any milk or milk products, to manufacture, bring into, send into or receive into the U.S.”

Processed animal waste derivatives, used as a feed ingredient for any portion of the total ration of the lactating dairy animal

Occasionally lactating animal’s udders become infected with hemolytic streptococci of human origin, which may result in milk borne epidemics of scarlet fever or septic sore throat. The toxins of staphylococci and possibly other organisms in milk may cause severe gastroenteritis. Some of these toxins are not destroyed by pasteurization.

  • If a cattle is diagnosed with, Hepatits A, Salmonella, Shigella species, Norwalk and Norwalk like Viruses, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, E. Coli, Rotavirus, Taenia Soluim, Yersinia Enterocolitica, Vibrio Cholerae or any other transmittable disease, restrictions are lifted after medicating the animal.
  • If the stool is contaminated with E. Coli, or Salmonella, restriction are lifted after medicating the animal.
  • If diagnosed with jaundice or Hepatitis A, before or after 7 days, restrictions are lifted after medicating the animal.

Some Sanitation Chemicals

Casein is the main protein found in milk. Casein is used in the manufacture of imitation cheese, cheese substitutes, and blended natural/imitation process cheese products.

Dairy products contain casein, a harmful protein that that releases opiates during the digestion process, but cheese contains the highest concentration of casein and may be addictive

For more than 40 years, T. Colin Campbell, PhD, has been at the forefront of nutrition research. His legacy, the China Study, is the most comprehensive study of health and nutrition ever conducted. “Using traditional science practice, we should be concluding that casein (animal protein) is a chemical carcinogen, perhaps the most relevant carcinogen that we consume.”

Indian researchers showed that decreasing protein (casein) intake from the usual level of consumption of 20% to 5% completely prevented this very powerful carcinogen to cause cancer

“When coupled with the extraordinary report from India showing that casein fed to experimental rats at the usual levels of intake dramatically promoted liver cancer, it prompted my 27-year-long study The China Project, of how this effect worked. We did dozens of experiments to see if this was true and, further, how it worked.”

“Simple adjustment of dietary protein (casein) within very normal ranges of protein intake controlled cancer growth and it worked not by one mechanism but by a large array of mechanisms. In other words, we proved this association beyond any doubt.”

“Corporate America, who controls the agenda in this health research business, is more interested in their own health than they are in the health of the public!”

Other Studies:

  • Our results thus strongly support the conclusion that Casein mutations play important roles in breast carcinogenesis.
  • Mutations and deregulation of Casein expression and activity has been linked to various diseases including neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, sleeping disorders and Proliferative diseases.
  • In this review, we summarize the functions of Casein and outline the participation of Casein in signal transduction pathways linked to cancer development.
  • By western blot analysis we confirmed specific binding to bovine beta-casein in bottle-fed infants, in children with Type 1 diabetes and in controls exposed to cow’s milk, but not in infants who were exclusively breast-fed.
  • Cow beta-casein supply in milk and cream was significantly and positively correlated with IHD (Ischaemic Heart Disease) in 20 affluent countries
  • Long term animal feeding studies have shown that extremely high dietary levels of casein, in common with other food proteins, may be injurious to the kidneys
  • Casein is only mildly antigenic but the presence of whey proteins in commercial casein may increase the frequency of hypersensitivity reactions

Excerpt from a conference with the P.C.R.M. (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine)

The few people who were consuming protein-rich diets were more susceptible to primary liver cancer

We needed to confirm this observation then determine how it worked. We did both. The results were profoundly convincing and, along the way, they illustrated several fundamental nutrition and cancer principles.

  • Tumor growth could be alternately turned on and off by feeding diets containing higher and lower levels of dietary protein, respectively
  • Dietary protein promoted tumor growth but only at dietary levels above that needed for good health (ca. 10% of total energy)
  • Although dietary protein did not initiate cancer, it enhanced initiation and, more importantly, promoted tumor growth
  • The dietary protein having this tumor promoting effect was Casein, the principle protein of cow’s milk. Two plant-based proteins, soy and wheat, did not promote tumor growth–even at the higher level–unless supplemented, possibly, with their respective ‘limiting’ amino acids
  • The casein effect on tumor growth very likely extends to other animal proteins as well

Based on the criteria used by the government’s program for determining whether chemicals are carcinogenic, casein is very likely the most relevant chemical carcinogen we consume

These adverse effects include serious outcomes like increased blood cholesterol and its companion, atherosclerosis, increased cancer development, increased insulin dependent type I diabetes, and increased risk for osteoporosis. Then there are the less life threatening but nonetheless nettlesome problems like lactose intolerance and intestinal distress, teenage acne, migraine headaches, kidney stones and cataracts.

They include the increased activity of growth factors and compensatory cell replication, metabolic acidosis and its impact on key enzyme reactions, hormonal imbalances, and adverse effects on immune system components. Many of these reactions are shared by other animal-based foods although some may be more specific for dairy

More troublesome, however, is the way in which most of this exceptionally compelling evidence has been hidden from public view and, further, the way in which research findings favoring dairy consumption is so often funded by the dairy industry

We know well industry’s motivation; they must make money for their shareholders and this is part of our system

(10.) Whey/Whey Protein Concentrate

Whey products mean any fluid product removed from whey; or made by the removal of any constituent from whey

Whey is the liquid substance obtained by separating the coagulum from milk, cream, or skim milk in cheese making. Must be derived from milk that has been pasteurized

Concentrated whey is the liquid substance obtained by the partial removal of water from whey so that the finished dry product contains not less than 25 percent protein

Whey protein is one of the two major groups of proteins found in milk. It is a highly digestible source of protein.

Whey proteins are used in a variety of foods, including ice cream, bread, and infant formula. Whey protein has been used in fat replacers for low-fat ice cream and as an ingredient in milk replacement products. It is also a popular dietary supplement for improving muscle strength and body composition and for the prevention of heart disease, diabetes, and age-related bone loss. May aid in the prevention of some hereditary conditions, such as the tendency to develop allergies

Whey protein is particularly popular among bodybuilders and athletes because, as a dietary supplement, it helps quicken muscle development and increases the time it takes to recover from intense workouts

If you are lactose intolerant it could lead to various allergic reactions such as a rash, swelling around the mouth or lips, vomiting or itching

Extreme amounts of the dietary supplement may place an undue burden on the liver

Potential health benefits of Whey Protein (Mayo Clinic)

  • Allergies (prevention) Hydrolyzed whey protein formula may be effective in preventing some allergies. Additional research is needed before a conclusion can be made.
  • Nutritional supplement (protein source) Whey protein is considered an excellent source of protein. Research is ongoing in this area.
  • Appetite suppressant As a source of high nutritional quality protein, whey protein has been found to reduce short-term food intake and may aid in reducing appetite. Additional studies are required before firm conclusions can be made.
  • Diabetes Whey protein may improve some symptoms of diabetes. Additional research is needed in this area.
  • Enhanced muscle mass / strength Whey protein may increase muscle mass and muscle strength. Further research is needed before a firm conclusion can be made.
  • Weight loss The role of whey protein in appetite and body weight control has been studied. Whey protein may aid in weight loss, however, further study is required to confirm study findings.
  • Acne Based on limited study, a product containing lactoferrin, a whey protein, may improve the symptoms of acne. Further study is required before conclusions can be made.
  • Allergies (treatment) Based on limited study, whey protein may have positive benefits in patients with atopic asthma or atopic dermatitis. Further study is required before conclusions can be made.
  • Bone density Whey protein may improve bone density. Additional research is needed before a conclusion can be made.
  • Burns A product containing ultra-filtered whey protein may have positive benefits for patients with burns. Further study is required before conclusions can be made.
  • Cancer Based on limited study, whey protein may have positive benefits for patients with cancer. Further study is required before conclusions can be made.
  • Cardiovascular disease risk Early study suggests that whey protein may aid in reducing the risk of heart disease. However, further research is required before conclusions can be made.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Whey protein has been shown to improve lung function in some studies of patients with COPD. Further study is required before conclusions can be made.
  • Cognition (mental processes) Based on limited study, a product containing alpha-lactalbumin may have positive benefits for individuals in terms of mental processes. Further study is required before conclusions can be made.
  • Constipation Infant formula containing whey protein hydrolysates may have positive benefits for infants with constipation. Further study is needed.
  • Cystic fibrosis Whey protein may have some positive effects in individuals with cystic fibrosis, such as increased weight gain. Additional research is needed in this area.
  • Dialysis (phosphate levels) Eased on limited study, a low-phosphorus, low-potassium whey protein product may have positive benefits on phosphate levels in individuals undergoing dialysis. Further study is required before conclusions can be made.
  • Diarrhea Whey protein may aid in the prevention of diarrhea caused by bacterial infection. Additional research is needed in this area.
  • Eczema Infant formula containing whey protein may have positive benefits for infants predisposed to eczema. Further study is required before conclusions can be made.
  • Exercise performance (and recovery) Whey protein may have beneficial effects on exercise performance and recovery. Further study is required before conclusions can be made.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (associated with neurological impairment) A product containing whey protein may have positive benefits for individuals with gastroesophageal reflux disease associated with neurological impairment. Further study is required before conclusions can be made.
  • Hearing loss Based on limited study, a product containing whey protein may not have positive benefits for individuals with hearing loss. Further study is needed to confirm early study findings.
  • Hepatitis Although not well studied in humans, whey protein may have liver protective effects. High quality clinical studies are needed.
  • High blood pressure Based on limited human study, whey protein may lower blood pressure. Further well-designed study is required before conclusions can be made.
  • HIV Whey protein may have beneficial effects in individuals with HIV. Further study is required before conclusions can be made.
  • Immune function Some study suggests that whey protein may have beneficial effects on immune function. Additional studies are needed in this area.
  • Mitochondrial diseases Based on early study, whey protein may aid in the reduction of oxidative stress in individuals with mitochondrial diseases. Further study is needed.
  • Psoriasis Preliminary study suggests that a specific whey protein extract may aid in the decrease of symptoms associated with psoriasis. Further well-designed study investigating the effects of whey protein alone is required before conclusions can be made.
  • Stress Alpha-lactalbumin, a whey protein, may aid in the decrease of stress. Further study on whey protein is required before conclusions can be made.

Sodium content

The general population are consuming much more than the current recommendation of sodium for adults, which is 2g sodium/day. Children between ages 1 to 9 are suggested to consume from 1,000mg to 1,500mg of sodium. One Ham Lunchable consists of 580mg of sodium. Depending on age, this meets close to one half to one third of suggested sodium in one day, on top of whatever else you may feed your child that day.

As reliable and trustworthy as they are, according to WHO. (World Health Organization)

Elevated sodium intake has been associated with a number of NCDs (Non Communicable Diseases, or Chronic Disease) including hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Higher sodium intake was associated with higher risk of incident stroke, fatal stroke and fatal coronary heart disease.

Increased sodium consumption is associated with increased blood pressure. Blood pressure during childhood has a significant association during adulthood, meaning that children with increased blood pressure are at high risk for hypertension and its related morbidities as adults.

Additionally, elevated blood pressure in childhood contributes to cardiovascular disease pathology during childhood itself. Reducing sodium intake significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure in adults and children. The reduction in blood pressure was detected across a wide range of intake levels. Reducing sodium intake to 2 g/day was more beneficial for blood pressure

Saturated fat content

According to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, no more than 10 percent of your child’s daily calories should come from saturated fat. In a 1,000 – 1,400 calorie diet, varying from ages 1 – 8, that’s 14 or fewer grams of saturated fat. One Lunchable consists of 6g of saturated fat. Just under half of a young childs recommended daily intake. And that is on top of whatever else you may be feeding your child that day.

Sugar content

The American Heart Association recommends the amount of sugar calories you consume should not exceed half of your discretionary calorie intake for the day.

For preschool children eating a 1,200- to 1,400-calorie diet, this translates into about 16.7g of sugar per day. Children ages 4 to 8 should consume less sugar—about 12.5g per day, because they have greater nutritional needs and have fewer discretionary calories in their daily diets

One Ham Lunchable consists of 21g of sugar, which is over the recommended daily intake, on top of any other sugary food you might feed your child that day

Link to References


John Parks
For two years I've thoroughly enjoyed researching the food additives "scientests" produce and put into all processed food. Also how the FDA classifies them as G.R.A.S. (Generally Recognized As Safe) With about 95% of the research I've done over the last two years the actual science, toxicity reports, manufacturing processes and pure technical aspect of it suggests otherwise.

When you see something that is "hazardous by definition", toxic, poisonous or corrosive and it's in the food you're eating, you would surely have to stop, think and ask, "That's going to go in me. Wait... It passes through the placental barrier? It decreases the testicular weight in mice? It's produced with volvano ash? It's processed with asbestos and krypton gas?"

Now, my main argument is this: If you know the food additive is toxic, corrosive or hazardous by definition, if it requires flammable or corrosive DOT stickers while transporting, if it has saftey precautions, spill procedures and you must wear suitable protective clothing while handling... Can you even assume it's safe to eat?

Irregardless of the exposure limits, the actual amount in food itself, how many regulations and standards there are or how low the toxicity may be... It is the general principle that the additives are still put in the foods you eat on a daily basis. I personally don't believe that when a tomato is dropped you have to evacuate the area and seal off the exits. Because that is exactly the procedure for some of the chemcial agents the FDA allowed in food.