Vitamin D deficiency is more common than ever, and many experts are concerned that this deficiency may lead to a wide variety of health problems, including depression, heart disease and diabetes to certain types of cancer.
Low serum levels of vitamin D are associated with clinically significant symptoms of depression in otherwise healthy individuals, new research shows. Making a series of assessments of healthy women during a 1-month period, investigators found that more than one third of participants had depressive symptoms, that almost half had vitamin D insufficiency, and that depressive symptoms were predicted by vitamin D levels. (i) (ii) (iii)
People create their own vitamin D when their skin is exposed to sunlight. When sun is scarce in the winter, people can take a supplement, but vitamin D also is found in some foods, including milk that is fortified with it.
How To Get More Vitamin D Naturally
1.UV radiation from the sun is the best natural source of vitamin D, but too much sun exposure can increase your risk of skin cancer.
2.Vitamin D and calcium work together to make your bones strong. Make sure you get enough calcium by including a selection of dairy products, leafy vegetables, fish, tofu, Brazil nuts and almonds in your diet.
3.100 grams of mushrooms provide some vitamin D so freely toss in your food. One package contains the amount suggested by experts. You can even sprinkle on the benefits with their Portobello Mushroom Powder.
4.Sardines are one of the best foods sources of vitamin D. One small tin can of sardines will provide you with approximately 70% of your daily needs. These tiny canned fish are also a great source for vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and selenium.
5.Eggs are another food that contains vitamin D in small amounts. Eating one egg daily will provide you with approximately 10% of your daily needs. I personally recommend eating free-range eggs from a local farm, if possible.
6.One cup of fortified orange juice has more vitamin D than a cup of fortified milk, but make sure to go for a freshly squeezed juice if you can, packaged ones can be full of additives and sugar!
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