Veterans, PTSD, and kratom are three things we need to get together — and soon!. Veterans are dying daily due to the VA’s automatic reliance on treating them with dangerous pharmaceuticals, when there is more hope and virtually no danger with this herb, kratom.
Waiting for the Veterans Administration to make up their mind on doing some clinical testing with kratom on vets with PTSD would be a fool’s errand. Hell might freeze over first!
Those living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder don’t have the luxury of waiting on bureaucratic intransigence.
It makes no sense, even by the VA’s skewed view of the world, to be actively testing the psychedelic drug MDMA — Ecstasy — for a few veterans with better than 80% success rates, when there is a crushing need for the hundreds of thousands of vets who need help now.
There is no doubt that MDMA works for some veterans, but it is unlikely to be of much use without hiring thousands of psychiatrists and taking years to implement. Kratom and free counseling are available now on the Internet.
It is beyond ironic to say that kratom is unsafe. If the current cocktail of drugs prescribed by VA doctors don’t kill the patient in their sleep (See this by Dr. Mercola), continued reliance on failed pharmaceutical options only increases the danger of suicide.
Kratom has a long history of safety — centuries of human use.
Fortunately, some veterans aren’t waiting for the folks at the VA to come to their senses. They are searching for alternative solutions to their nightmares on the ‘Net and find kratom.
To their credit, there may be more than one or two conscientious doctors at the Veteran’s Administration Hospitals who are quietly recommending kratom to soldiers no longer on active duty.
The problem of poorly treated PTSD and the knee-jerk reliance of treating every injury with synthetic pharmaceuticals isn’t limited to young veterans. The total number of vets dying daily from suicide is 22, with the majority obviously coming from Vietnam era, Korea, and World War II veterans.
A shocking figure that tells the whole story of how futile our drug therapies are for dealing with chronic pain and PTSD is this one: More Vietnam Era vets have died from suicide than the 58,000 who were killed in combat there.
When the drugs the VA is doling out to vets are more dangerous than combat itself, could this possibly be a clue that it’s time to try a new solution?
Glimmers of hope are being found in the ongoing unofficial testing of kratom by a multitude of a different kind of veteran — the civilian casualties of the medical establishment’s habit of throwing prescription drugs at every ache and pain, whether mental or physical.
Compounding the problem is the fact that — for all the money spent on drug research — the pharmaceutical companies can’t seem to produce a definite “cure” for anything! Kinda makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
A parallel catastrophe of civilian suicides and overdoses is finding it’s own solution in the brave souls who find kratom.
With approximately 2 million regular users of kratom to deal with chronic pain, anxiety, and depression, even Ed Boyer, MD, is amazed at the lack of negative side-effects and absence of ER visits seen due to kratom. I learned this from a conversation one of my sources had with Dr. Boyer.
The American people are not waiting for the medical establishment, shackled by the pharmaceutical industry’s unspoken threat of professional ruin, to admit that the best they have to offer makes many who try it want to kill themselves.
The more that paid shills for the drug makers tell us — as Dr. Drew did recently — that kratom is “dangerous“, the more intensely desperate people want to try it. What they find is that this miracle herb can replace a handful of sketchy pharmaceuticals and leave them feeling healthier than they have felt in years.
Below are a couple of excerpts from an article in Scientific American magazine, with Dr. Edward Boyer:
“Kratom also has serotonergic activity, too—it binds with serotonin receptors. So if you want to treat depression, if you want to treat opioid pain, if you want to treat sleepiness, this [compound] really puts it all together.
In animal studies where rats were given mitragynine (one of the primary alkaloids in kratom), those rats had no respiratory depression.”
There is something very worthwhile here, in kratom, if we handle it with care and respect. But, here again is another dynamic herbal painkiller, antidepressant, anxiolytic, and muscle relaxer that hasn’t been made into a drug, so will the VA bureaucracy continue to ignore it while veterans die?
Let’s think about this: If veterans are so unhappy with the medications they receive for their PTSD from the VA that they would rather kill themselves (and sometimes others, too), what could be the harm in letting them try kratom in clinical trials?
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See this information-packed video on the history of Kratom