Use Natural Purifiers to Improve Quality of Air


Have you ever wondered as to what you might be inhaling every time you take a deep breath while at home? Irrespective of location, you can hardly rest assured that the quality of air within your home will be pure and bereft of pollutants just because your house is always clean. In such a situation, one of the best remedies that you can adopt pertains to using natural purifiers to ensure that air is filtered off harmful germs and invisible fumes.

Why should you use natural purifiers?

The logic underlying this recommendation is that most contagions that pollute indoor air actually provide nourishment for certain varieties of plants even though they may be harmful for human beings. Therefore, dotting your home with such plants will only serve to ensure good health for your family not to mention a touch of freshness to the decor.

Which plants improve quality of air?

Botanical varieties that are highly effective as indoor air cleansers are –

Aloe Vera – A sun-loving, succulent and resilient all-weather cacti, Aloe Vera simply loves Benzene and formaldehyde and hence makes a lot of positive difference to the quality of air. If placed strategically next to the window in the kitchen or bathrooms, it can survive for a long time while absorbing pollutants emitted from chemical cleaners and paint.

Golden Pothos – Essentially a creeper, it is one of the most effective absorbents of fumes and hence is a perfect adornment for your garage or car park wherein presence of exhaust is inevitable. When placed in a basket and hung at a certain height above the ground, it does transform the atmosphere of a garage from being dull and dreary to something more pleasant.

Spider plant – Just like a spider, this plant appears to spread its long, narrow pointed leaves outward from the center. Ideal for adding an aesthetic touch to the décor, its placement at any point indoors facilitates efficient absorption of a variety of noxious gases ranging from xylene to carbon monoxide thus improving the quality of air in the process.

Gerber daisies –Nutritional requirements of this plant are plenty of sunlight, benzene and certain types of ethylene and that is why placing it in your bedroom alongside dry-cleaned clothes could be a good decision. A study table stocked up with ink is also a good option as the plant will then be in a position to absorb benzene and benefit your family’s health.

Snake plant – Place a pot with a couple of saplings in your bathroom and watch it thrive in dimly lit and humid conditions. In the process your washroom will remain forever free of any kind of odors no matter how strong your skin care or cleaning products may be.

Peace Lilies – Beautifully white, peace lilies are perhaps your best bet when it comes to combating VOCs’, an acronym for volatile organic compounds. Since they love growing at room temperature, all you need to ensure is that they are placed away from windows and yet in a position to absorb fumes, thus having a positive impact on the quality of air.

Vinita Basu
I regard words as being pearls of wisdom that possess the power to move just about anything, no matter how permanent or transient it might be. As a writer, my purpose of using words is to create awareness and as a designer I intend to use images to convey their meaning.

At the end of the day, I will have regarded my objective as being achieved if my words and designs have made a positive difference to even a single life on this planet. All that it takes to bring about a change is the first step in a new direction and I believe not just in small steps but also in my guardian angel.