Top 5 Mood-Enhancing Foods


Most of the people in today’s society are familiar with the term “comfort food.” If you’re a fan of Paula Deen, you probably have it tattooed somewhere on your body. The general definition of “comfort food” is food you eat to enhance your mood when you’re feeling depressed.

While the concept is an interesting one, most of what people consider “comfort food” is food that just tastes good. “Comfort foods” are usually loaded with sugars and fats, sometimes battered and deep-fried. These types of foods may make you feel comfortable when you’re eating them, but they can quickly leave you feeling bloated and drained of energy—and that’s not even accounting for the long-term health risks that come with sugars and fats.

Our perception of “comfort food” is even more disappointing when you consider that there are healthier foods out there that can enhance your mood naturally without clogging your arteries or enlarging your waistline. Here is a small selection of mood-enhancing foods that won’t leave you gutted or guilty after you eat them:

Fruits and Vegetables: These two mood-enhancing food groups should be your number one pick-me-up whenever you’re feeling down. Many fruits and vegetables are packed full of rich vitamins and antioxidants that can cleanse your body and keep it healthy. Remember, the less processed the better, so if you can stick to organic, do it.

Fish: One of the leanest, meanest proteins out there, fish are swimming in Omega-3s—a nutrient that affects the brain chemicals that raise your mood. One serving of salmon can contain up to 20g’s of protein in a single serving; which is not only awesome for your brain but also bodybuilding. Our bodies don’t produce Omega-3s naturally, so a fisherman’s diet is the best way to get them into your system.

Tea: Drinking a few servings of green or black tea every day doesn’t just enhance

your mood and your well-being, it keeps you alert and focused. It’s full of important amino acids that work in tandem with natural caffeine to help you get past a slow start and work through a fast-paced day.

Chocolate: Yes, chocolate has sugar in it, but it also has important antioxidants, as well as properties that naturally reduce stress. This is one original “comfort food” that really can help enhance your mood.

There are plenty more mood enhancing foods out there, and they don’t need to be covered in batter. The rule of thumb when thinking about a healthy diet is that most foods are healthier just the way they are—the more organic, the better. That’s a principle you can take “comfort” in.


