Top 10 Things You Should Know About Ebola Virus


The Ebola Virus first became know due to an outbreak in Zaire and Gabon in 1995 and 1996. This deadly virus has a high fatality rate. It is about 88 percent in many cases. Over 3,270 cases have been reported and 2000 deaths have occurred since its discovery in 1976. New cases and deaths occur every year.

What It Is and How it Spreads

  • It is a severe deadly virus known as ebolic hemorrhagic fever. There are five different types or strains of the virus. The Zaire Ebola Virus is the most deadly. When it infects humans it often kills them. This strain has a 90 percent death rate.The other strains of the virus cause different degrees of illness in humans.
  • This virus is caused by infected animals like fruit bats, gorillas, antelopes, pigs, dogs, chimps, and other animals. It is believed that bats and other animals carry the virus in their intestinal tract. Often the virus is transmitted through ingestion. Hunters hunt the animals and eat them. Contact with the blood of the dead animals is another way to become infected.
  • When a person gets the virus it often takes several days before symptoms appear. The symptoms are similar to the flu aches, weakness, muscle pain, stomach pain, fever, sore throat, vomiting, and diarrhea. It leads to kidney and liver failure in many patients with the disease. This disease also damages the immune system causing problems with the blood and organs
  • Statistics vary depending on the strain of the virus they have. Recovery depends on medical care available and when the illness was diagnosed. There is no vaccine designed for this disease though many have been tested and they continue to work on finding a cure Treatments are vaccines, intravenous fluids, and oral medications.
  • This disease can spread when someone cares for the patient. This means through contact with sweat, blood, or vomit of the patient. It can also be spread through sexual intercourse. It stays active in semen up to seven weeks after infection. Even when the patient dies the virus can still cause infection in those that come in contact with the body.
  • The current outbreak of this disease has occurred in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra and Leone. Only two American were infected that were visiting Africa. They were treated at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. They will be subjected to a barrage of treatments to better understand the disease and how to treat it. This outbreak has caused deaths spread across four countries. It is the largest outbreak of Ebola known.
  • This area in Africa has been hit hard because they lack decent hospitals and health care systems to treat the disease. Conditions are unsanitary and allow the disease to grow rapidly. It has the potential to spread but all the major travel ports have quarantine stations to look for travelers that may have the disease so it can be treated.

Research and Treatments For the Disease

  • An anti-viral molecule was found effective in April against the virus in rodents. One of the Americans Nancy Writbol has received this treatment for the infection.
  • Cultural and faith healing practices have contributed to the high outbreak in Africa. Many patients will not seek treatment due to religious and burial beliefs. Many believe that going into quarantine will mean death.
  • A person can avoid contacting the disease by not traveling to areas where outbreaks occur. If you have been exposed to person with the virus wash hands with warm soap and water and and don’t handle bodily fluids. Contact the doctor if symptoms occur.

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Sandeep Godiyal
Sandeep has written many health field articles for both Internet and print publication. His areas of expertise including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.