How to take cool photos even in dim light


In case the location or wedding for the photo booth is going to be dimly lit, you don’t have to worry about the quality of photos. You can easily take nice photos from a dimly lit space as long as you know how to play around with the camera. All you have to do is plan ahead of time and follow some of the tips provided below.

Make use of a large aperture

Did you know that the larger the aperture, the more the light that will be let through the lens? As such, it is important that you make use of the largest aperture that you can. This is made especially possible with cameras that have interchangeable lenses. The most commonly used lens for such a dim lit scenario is the 50mm f/1.8 lens.

Make use of slow shutter speeds

Slow shutter speeds are especially great for dimly lit spaces. In addition, ensuring that the camera remains as steady as possible will help ensure you have some pretty cool photos. Equipment that you can use to ensure a steady camera includes a tripodis, a tripod or a monopod.

Make use of a high ISO

In case you can’t really keep the camera steady then making use of a high ISO will help ensure that you get faster shutter speeds. In case some noise is introduced onto the image due to the high ISO there is no need to worry. You can simply get rid of the noise later on the computer by brightening. Please note that you don’t need to use a high ISO in case you are lighting your images with flash or shooting on a tripod with a slow shutter speed.

Take as many shots as possible

When you take multiple shots, potential blurring as a result of subject movement or the shaking of the camera is greatly minimized.  This helps ensure that you get at least one or two great shots from the multiple shots.

Make use of the blur

Making use of the blur option is especially great if you are shooting moving subjects. The photos tend to have a bit of artistic movement in then which can be great to look at. However, you may need to put in a bit of practice to get some really good shots with this option.

Make use of Flash

Using Flash will obviously add a bit of light during the photo shoot thus producing well lit photos. Flash works best indoors simply because the light from the flash can be bounced from the walls and ceiling onto the subject. The whole point of bouncing the flash is to produce more natural-like photos.

Low light photography may be difficult to master most especially if you are shooting moving subjects, however if done right you can end up with some terrific images. With a bit of practice and proper planning however, it is possible to master the art of taking beautiful photos in dim light.

James Jacobs