Tag: xeno-estrogen

Toxic Esters: Do You Know What’s Lurking in Your Perfume?

Toxic Esters: Do You Know What’s Lurking in Your Perfume?

According to the BBC, an ester is formed when an organic acid substances interacts with alcohol. Sounds benign enough, right? But when it comes to your health, esters can be a “double-edged sword.” They can be transporters of potential healing,… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Environment, Health, Lifestyle, Personal Care
Progesterone: Friend or Foe?

Progesterone: Friend or Foe?

Some trends within conventional medicine are tragic– and dangerous. A case in point is how traditional medical “wisdom” has deemed the natural hormones in a woman’s body as harmful and even cancer-producing. The fact is your natural hormones are part… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Environment, Health, Holistic Medicine, Medicine