Tag: sustainability

Bioengineered animal-free dairy coming to a grocer near you
Synthetic biology start-up company Perfect Day, formerly Muufri, is close to introducing a new kind of dairy to the food industry, sans cows. You read right; Perfect Day has created a genetically modified (GMO) strain of yeast called “Buttercup,” which… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Food, GMOs, News
5 Compelling Reasons You Should Eat More Insects (Especially Crickets)
The very thought of eating insects grosses people out. The image of a creepy, crawly, bug working its way down your windpipe doesn’t exactly conjure up feelings of the contentment we feel with other foods. But why not? How is… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health
Building Better Soil with Woodchips
When I came to Florida 4 months ago to start Laulima Farm, I did not realize just how little soil there was. I started my garden and planted some seeds and they sprouted, did nothing, and died a few days… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Gardening
How can pets be part of a sustainable future?
Although it’s impossible to know exactly how many dogs and cats there are in the world, estimates put the value at around 525 million dogs and 600 million cats. That’s around one dog or cat for every seven people. This… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Pets and Animals
First Offshore Compressed-Air Energy Storage Project Created
Exciting developments in Toronto could help create a much greener power grid for the greater metro area in the future. Toronto Hydro is partnering with Hydrostor, Inc., to pilot a project that could provide enough energy for 350 area homes… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Science & Tech
The Innovation of Solar Power In Water Treatment
For many of us, getting a glass of water is as simple as turning on the kitchen tap. Unfortunately, getting enough clean water to survive can be difficult for those less fortunate, and the World Health Organization suggests that approximately… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Water
Eco-Friendly and Clean-Eating Rappers Hope Music Will Inspire Better Health
From helpful nutrition infographics to in-depth articles about disease, it’s no secret that most people are seeking to improve themselves as well as the environment they live in. From preventing cancer to protecting the planet, a great deal of individuals… 0 Shares | | Posted in Entertainment, Food, Health, Nutrition
3 Reasons to Use Glassware Instead of Plastics or Metals
There are many who would argue the benefits of plastic. Indeed, plastic has its benefits and uses, for a moment. Depending on the quality grade and application of the plastics being used, that could be anywhere from a few seconds… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Environment, Fitness Nutrition, Fluoride, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Water
Make Every Day a Green Day in Albany, NY
All of us have some sort of routine to our day. Unless you’re the quintessential adventurer, who doesn’t know what he’s going to end up doing from one moment to the next, there’s a familiar pattern that our life… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Lifestyle