Tag: sun

Sunglasses: Wear those shades

Sunglasses: Wear those shades

We wear sunglasses to keep the bright sunshine out of our eyes. Besides this reason, many wear them as a popular accessary. The truth is that besides what brand or what style, we need to be wearing these shades. Whether… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Health, Lifestyle, Personal Care
Natural Ways To Protect Yourself From The Sun

Natural Ways To Protect Yourself From The Sun

We’ve all been told for years that the sun is a dangerous harbinger of cancer, and that we should avoid by slathering ourselves with sunscreen and hiding in the shadows. In recent years, evidence has shown that the chemicals in… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Health, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Personal Care
Commercial Sunscreen – Friend or Foe? + How to Make Your Own!

Commercial Sunscreen – Friend or Foe? + How to Make Your Own!

Years ago, my mom would tell me, “I don’t believe the sun gives us cancer, I believe sunscreen does”. Oh Mom, you and your crazy theories. A few years later, I stopped using sunscreen in the hopes of landing just… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Health, Health, Holistic Medicine, Recipes