Tag: suicide

Slow Suicide Increasing Every Day
With suicide rates at an all-time high right now, and the drug companies pushing more and more psychotropic drugs on children and adults alike, using their favorite mild-mannered middlemen of course – doctors!, you might agree with the medical establishment… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, GMOs, Health, Mental Health, Nutritional Medicine
Medication madness and the death of Conrad Roy
Earlier this month, Judge Lawrence Moniz of the Bristol Juvenile Court of Massachusetts pronounced the sentence in the case of Commonwealth v. Michelle Carter. The final tally: one young life ended, another in ruins, and two families who will be… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
Merry Stress-mas: 12 Steps To Reduce Holiday Anxiety
‘Tis the Season Ahh, the holidays! Time for many to celebrate their faith. For others, to reflect on the accomplishments of yet another year gone by, and to plan for an even better one ahead. It is also a time… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Lifestyle
Staggering New Data Shows Serious Depression Epidemic in America
This month, Mental Health America (MHA) shared some staggering new numbers related to depression in America. In 2014, the nation’s community-based nonprofit leader in mental health support, recovery and advocacy began screening people for mental health issues using their online,… 0 Shares | | Posted in Child Care, Health, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health, News, Science, Science & Tech
Suicide & Depression Linked to Silver Dental Fillings & Heavy Metal Toxicity
The following is a comment that I posted on Tim Ferriss’s latest blog post on suicide & depression. I wanted to post it here as well as I know many people will find it helpful. “Thank you for such… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Lifestyle, Medicine, Mental Health, News, Nutritional Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines, World
Are You Happy?
Do you consider yourself to be a happy person? Have you ever been as happy as you’ve wanted to be? Have you finally gotten yourself to a place where you had everything you were told would bring you happiness and… 0 Shares | | Posted in Mental Health
4 foods that help fight depression naturally
Depression ranges in experiencing mild sadness for a brief period of time to more serious feelings and actions that involve a diminished appetite, complete social withdrawal and in severe cases, the deliberate ending of one’s life.(1) In fact, it’s estimated… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Lifestyle, Medicine, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, Personal Care
An Appeal to Agencies Considering Banning Kratom
Banning the herb kratom is a bad idea and will fail to achieve the desired objectives, just as banning alcohol or marijuana were costly failures. Ladies and gentlemen, I appeal to your instinct of political self-preservation. I am referring to… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Liberty, Liberty, Medicine, Mental Health, Pharmaceuticals, Politics & Government
Robin Williams and the Growing Epidemic of Depression
Robin Williams’ suicide shocked the world. It seems unfathomable that someone so manically funny, who brought so much laughter into our lives, could be plagued with depression. As his beloved alien character Mork might have said … “Does. Not. Compute.”… 0 Shares | | Posted in Celebrity, Mental Health, News