Tag: sugar

Oregano & Rosemary Control Blood Sugar Spike & Prevent Diabetes
In the US type-2 diabetes affects more than 8% of the population and cost the country $175 billion. Millions of people across the world rely on diabetes drugs to control their diabetes, but these drugs may actually be doing more… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Food, Gardening, Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Recipes, Water
10 Inflammation Fighting Foods You Should Include in Your Diet
Inflammation is one of our defense mechanisms and it can be both good and bad. On one way, it helps our body defend itself from infection and injury. But on the other side, chronic inflammation can lead to several disease.… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Food, Health, Health, Holistic Medicine, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Strength Training, Water
Brazzein is a Plant Protein that Could Be Your Next Healthy Sweetener
In recent years, humans have been scouring the plant and animal kingdoms for healthier alternatives to table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. We’ve had honey for thousands of years, but only recently have food scientists come up with stevia, maple… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Nutrition
Stress? Anxiety? 8 herbs that can help!
Stressed? Anxiety? What herbs can do for you. Fast, Easy and Effective Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Before I go into detail about the herbs that can help you to manage your stress and anxiety, I do want to… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Medicine, Mental Health, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine
Is Type 2 Diabetes Actually Reversible? (Here’s What You Need to Know)
More of us are suffering from the signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes than ever before. In fact, type 2 diabetes is now one of the most common metabolic disorders in America – in 2014, experts estimated that 29.1… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Nutrition
Are you consuming this thinking it’s healthy? Think again!
Agave Nectar: the sweetener you thought was healthy Here’s the truth I used to think Agave nectar was a good substitute in baked goods and in replacement of processed sugar too for many years. In fact, I gave my kids… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, News, Nutrition
Homemade Cough Drops That Relieve Sniffling, Coughing And Sneezing
A cough is a natural reflex that protects lungs. This helps prevent infections. It is uncomfortable all around, both physically and otherwise. Prolonged coughing can cause chest pain, exhaustion and light-headedness. Homemade cough syrups are best and effective way to… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Food, Food, Health, Health, Holistic Medicine, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Personal Care, Recipes, Water
How I Beat My Life-Long Sugar Addiction
My Diet Background I had been a sugar addict ever since I could remember. I ate sugar cereal practically every day growing up, thinking it was healthy, and I was constantly going after sweets in the house. I didn’t like… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
Beware of Health Foods and Beverages Packed With Added Sugars
Many so-called healthy foods and beverages are full of added sugars. Sometimes we purposely add sugar to our food. But most added sugar comes from processed and prepared foods. Some sugars are found naturally in foods — like vegetables, milk,… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness Nutrition, Food, Food, Health, Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss