Tag: sick

Vomiting & Nausea: When the body must get rid
Vomiting is the body’s way of getting rid of something it does not like. It is a natural, protective reflex. Nausea is the feeling right before the body does this release. This is an unpleasant feeling, but because vomiting is… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Lifestyle, Personal Care
3 Ways To Improve Your Health Right Now
If you are like so many people, you want to know how to improve the quality of your health Right Now. As Kris Carr says, our health is mainly influenced by what we eat, drink and think. Here are three… 0 Shares | | Posted in Child Care, Environment, Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Gardening, GMOs, Health, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Lifestyle, Medicine, Mental Health, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, Personal Care, Water, Weight Loss
You’re Not As Old As You Think – Science.
New Studies Show Human Body In Constant Renewal Despite the perception many of us carry of being “old’, Science points to the contrary. Recent research indicates the human body is constantly renewing and regenerating itself, resulting in many of… 0 Shares | | Posted in Celebrity, Entertainment, Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Health, Health, Lifestyle, News, Personal Care, Weight Loss, Yoga
10 Warning Signs of a Thyroid Problem (And What Can Be Done About It)
An estimated 25 million Americans have a Thyroid problem and half are not even aware of it. With proper detection and treatment, Thyroid Health can be restored. Here are 10 Warning Signs your Thyroid may be underactive. You sleep 8-10… 0 Shares | | Posted in Celebrity, Chemicals, Entertainment, Environment, Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Health, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Lifestyle, Medicine, Mental Health, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, Personal Care, Strength Training, Weight Loss, Yoga
The dark side of nuts; the missing link to why we’re still sick, fat and tired.
When I first went Paleo, I went a bit heavy on the nuts. I was eating trail mix, making “Paleo” approved desserts with assorted raw nuts, I was eating cashew “cheese”, nut butters, and I was drinking almond milk as… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Food, Health, Health, Nutrition
Unexplained Symptoms? – Could be your Ileocecal Valve
Could you have Ileocecal Valve Syndrome? The most common response is “what’s an Ileocecal valve?” It’s a small circular valve located between the small and large intestine. It is located on the lower right side of the abdomen just above… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Holistic Medicine, Lifestyle, Medicine, Nutrition, Personal Care
Why do we need to get sick?
A sickness is one of the ways to get what you cannot get without it. Some psychotherapists consider that a big number of illnesses have a psychological ground. There are actually seven sicknesses that are officially proved to be caused… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health
How Healthy Is Your Brain?
Most of us do so many things to take care of our body, such as eating right, exercising and daily hygiene routines (e.g. brushing our teeth). But do we do the same for our brain? After all, it plays a… 0 Shares | | Posted in Child Care, Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Health, Health, Holistic Medicine, Home, Lifestyle, Medicine, Mental Health, Nutrition, Personal Care, Science & Tech, Strength Training, YogaHow I Overcame a Multiple System “Meltdown” Death Sentence
I’m going to die? Not acceptable news to anyone’s ears. My 3 doctors had no cure, little hope, and no true suggestions. And these were doctors totally committed to alternative, as well as allopathic, medicine! There was no single diagnosis… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health