Tag: sea vegetables

Treat Your Constipation Naturally with These Fiber-Rich Whole Foods
Dietary fiber is an essential nutrient that is best-known for helping our bodies to normalize bowel movements by sweeping the intestines of accumulated matter. However, fiber also has numerous other uses in the body. It binds itself to cancer-causing toxins… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Nutrition
Irish Moss: The Great Rejuvenating Seaweed
Irish moss, also called pearl moss or carrageen moss, is a red seaweed that grows along the coasts of Europe and North America. It is often purchased in bulk by food manufacturers for the purpose of making jellies, through it… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Nutrition
Arame: A Nutritious Seaweed Bursting with Iodine, Calcium and Iron
Arame is a brown seaweed that is commonly harvested along the coasts of Japan and South Korea. As with kombu, dulse, and other sea vegetables, arame is used liberally in Japanese cuisine, and it is renowned for its versatility owing… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Nutrition
Studies Show That Dulse Is a Great Source of Nutrients and Antioxidants
Dulse is a spicy-flavored red seaweed that grows on the coasts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Popular in East Asia, dulse has been harvested for thousands of years as a nutritious food source, an ingredient in skin care products,… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Nutrition
The Best Dietary Sources of Iodine
Iodine is an essential trace nutrient that is responsible for producing thyroid hormones. These hormones are responsible for regulating the metabolism, which affects the speed with which our bodies use energy, the regulation of body temperatures, cholesterol, and heart rates,… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Nutrition
Bladderwrack: The Ocean’s Greatest Source of Iodine
Bladderwrack, also called black tang, rockweed, red fucus, and various other names, is an edible brown seaweed that grows along the coasts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and the North and Baltic seas. Like many other seaweeds such as… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Nutrition
Kombu: A Brown Seaweed Rich in Essential Minerals
Kombu, also called dashima or haidai, is an edible brown seaweed that belongs to the Laminariaceae family. It is popular as a cooking ingredient in East Asia, especially among the Japanese, who use it to make dashi, a stock soup.… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Nutrition
The Health Benefits of Nori (the Seaweed That Wraps Sushi)
Nori is an edible red seaweed that is popular in East Asia, especially Japan. In the West, it is perhaps best known as the seaweed that wraps pieces of sushi, although it is also used as a garnish, for flavoring… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Nutrition
Sea Lettuce: A Nutritious Seaweed That Can Boost Longevity
Sea lettuce is an edible green seaweed that grows along the coastlines of the world’s oceans. It is eaten by a number of sea animals including sea slugs and manatees, although humans have also eaten it for centuries. Characterized by… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Nutrition