Tag: north america

Salmonberries: Nutritious Fruits from the West Coast

Salmonberries: Nutritious Fruits from the West Coast

The salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis) is a plant native to the western coastlines of North America. It bears yellow, orange, and red fruits of the same name, which resemble raspberries in structure and were treasured by the American Indians for their… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Nutrition
The Health Benefits of Aronia Berries (Chokeberries)

The Health Benefits of Aronia Berries (Chokeberries)

Aronia berries, also called chokeberries, are dark purple-colored fruits that are native to eastern North America. They grow on green-leaved deciduous shrubs that are commonly found in swamps and wet woods. Although aronia berries are not well-known, even in their… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Nutrition