Tag: mind-control

Andre Stern the Self-taught Child : the Story of a Happy Success

Andre Stern the Self-taught Child : the Story of a Happy Success

WATCH THE VIDEO FIRST: André Stern, 42 years old at the time of this video, is a living experience of what happens to a child who has never received any type of education, and whose childhood has never been interrupted.… 0 Shares | | Posted in Child Care, Videos
The Military has been Implanting Mind Controlled Neural Dust to remotely control their victims

The Military has been Implanting Mind Controlled Neural Dust to remotely control their victims

Just when you thought you figured out all there is to know about the chemtrail program, something like this get’s uncovered. The Military has been implanting Neural Dust to remotely control their victims! US military contractors have admitted wireless mind… 0 Shares | | Posted in Biotechnology, Chemicals, Chemtrails, Environment, Politics & Government, Science & Tech
The Neural Lace Wireless Brain Chip: Wi-Fi for Your Mind or Modern Day Lobotomy?

The Neural Lace Wireless Brain Chip: Wi-Fi for Your Mind or Modern Day Lobotomy?

The Neural Lace is a small mesh microchip injected into the brain to monitor the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex. Surgically implanted it would monitor brain activity and send that data wirelessly to an outside computer for analysis. Many… 0 Shares | | Posted in Liberty, Medicine, News, Science & Tech
Headlines lead to warped perspectives

Headlines lead to warped perspectives

No matter how hard you may try to bury your head these days ignoring the news and the state of the world, catchy headlines are almost impossible to avoid all together. The problem with this is that headlines alone can… 0 Shares | | Posted in Celebrity, Entertainment, Free Speech, Health, Home, Liberty, Liberty, Lifestyle, Mental Health, News, Televison, Weird, World


Childbirth is one of the most important events ever for the expansion and preservation of human love. So important is this event, that it can either bond a family for good (if the birth is natural and filled with love),… 0 Shares | | Posted in Child Care, Health, Hospitals & Surgery, Liberty, Lifestyle, Medicine, Mental Health, Parental Rights, Vaccines, Videos