Tag: Iodine Deficiency Disorder

How Fluoride (a toxin) got in our water, and Iodine (a critical nutrient) disappeared from medical school textbooks

How Fluoride (a toxin) got in our water, and Iodine (a critical nutrient) disappeared from medical school textbooks

If you were a woman with painful, cystic breasts who lived in the 1800’s—your doctor might have advised you to “paint your breasts” with iodine.  Some doctors even injected iodine directly into the breasts or ovaries to heal cysts. Your… 0 Shares | | Posted in Child Care, Fluoride, Health, Lifestyle, Medicine, Mental Health, Nutritional Medicine, Science, Videos
Why Iodine Deficiency Disorder Should Be On Your Radar Screen

Why Iodine Deficiency Disorder Should Be On Your Radar Screen

When it comes to changes in health, it’s common for most people to jump to the conclusion that they’re lacking a certain vitamin or that they should make healthier changes to their dietary lifestyle. While such thoughts may be true… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Health, News, Nutrition