Tag: hypnotherapy

Is Hypnosis Really Viable for Weight Loss? Six Weight Loss Studies You Should Know About

Is Hypnosis Really Viable for Weight Loss? Six Weight Loss Studies You Should Know About

Hypnosis is one field of alternative therapy that has been widely researched. Many areas, including pain relief, sports performance, stress reduction, smoking cessation and weight loss have been the subject of scientific inquiry. Hypnosis for weight loss is the topic… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Health, Holistic Medicine, Mental Health, Weight Loss
Hypnotherapy: The Treatment for Anxiety You’ve Never Considered

Hypnotherapy: The Treatment for Anxiety You’ve Never Considered

About 18.1 percent of adults 18 and older have an anxiety disorder.  If you have a panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder or one or two phobias, you’re not alone: You can find company with the 40 million adults in the U.S.… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Holistic Medicine
The Secret Benefits of Giving and How to Give Well

The Secret Benefits of Giving and How to Give Well

Take a moment to imagine how you would feel after doing the following activities:   Dropping $50 at a lemonade stand run by a few nice kids Giving a family member a framed photo you know they’ll love Telling a stranger… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
How To Instantly Boost Self Confidence and Motivation

How To Instantly Boost Self Confidence and Motivation

Imagine a close friend coming to you and expressing their doubts about being able to find a romantic partner. “Why would anyone want me?” says your friend, “I’m not good-looking or smart enough to have someone in my life. All… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
Overcoming Self-Conscious Behaviors

Overcoming Self-Conscious Behaviors

Self-conscious feelings come all too naturally to most of us. We avoid people and places, cancel plans, and go to great lengths to conceal our imperfections with one goal in mind: to not look bad in front of others. We… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Mental Health
5 Surprising Facts about Hypnosis

5 Surprising Facts about Hypnosis

Is it magic? Is it all in your head? Or just a bunch of BS? Despite its popularity around the world, hypnosis remains shrouded in mystery. Here we will shed some light on this widely misunderstood and fascinating therapy. 1.… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Holistic Medicine, Mental Health
Why You Should Feel Good About Yourself

Why You Should Feel Good About Yourself

When you grew up, you were more than likely yelled at for making some mistakes…perhaps a lot.  You were punished for things you did wrong in other people’s eyes, and forced to apologize.  And if you were brought up in… 0 Shares | | Posted in Mental Health