Tag: greenhouse

10 Tips for Greenhouse Growing Beginners

10 Tips for Greenhouse Growing Beginners

#1 Install the right infrastructure In all the excitement to move plants into a new greenhouse, sometimes the basic shelves, benches, and potting tables are a bit of an afterthought. In reality, these installations should be the absolute first consideration… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
Is This Costa Rican Greenhouse The Answer To Sustainable Food?

Is This Costa Rican Greenhouse The Answer To Sustainable Food?

A team of real estate developers, farmers, preppers, and engineers, just created one of the most interesting food security solutions the market has seen in a long time. And what’s more interesting, is that it could be coming soon to… 0 Shares | | Posted in Aquaponics, Backyard Chickens, Farming, Food, GMOs
Greenhouse Gardening on a Budget

Greenhouse Gardening on a Budget

If you think a greenhouse has to cost thousands of dollars, think again. Yes, traditionally they’ve been something that many people simply couldn’t afford. But as more and more people realize the benefits of growing their own food, the number… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Food, Gardening
Growing Organic Indoors is Easier than You Might Think

Growing Organic Indoors is Easier than You Might Think

Most people assume that they need to have a lot of land in order to grow organic vegetables, but the reality is that there are many methods you can use to bring produce to life inside your home. Additionally, anyone… 0 Shares | | Posted in Gardening, Health