Tag: flu season

Homeopathy Looking into Impeding Flu Season
Freddie got sick yesterday. While his mom was helping to set up for the annual fall block party, Freddie couldn’t join. He was weak and wheezing. Every breath hurt. His eyes were red, and he looked drained. It was an… 0 Shares | | Posted in Holistic Medicine
Five Powerful Herbs to Get You Through this Flu Season
With the changing of the leaves also comes the unveiling of the latest flu shot advertising campaigns from the likes of Rite Aid, CVS, Walgreen’s and other drug stores. But in the case of the flu shot, there is still… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
Use This Cheaper, Safer Flu Remedy that Kicks Tamiflu’s Butt
I’m amazed that so many ads for Tamiflu at prices from $110 and up exist for 10 tablets that will probably all be consumed during a flu viral infection, and that so many are ignorant and confused enough to buy… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health