Tag: fight or flight response

Autism–can listening to Mozart rewrite the score?

Autism–can listening to Mozart rewrite the score?

“Some people will say that the essence of autism is the inability to model other minds” Dr. Norman Doidge, MD Our world is framed by our perception. There is no “reality”. There is no good or bad. There is only… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Health, Mental Health, Videos
4 Ways to Lower Stress and Prevent Breast Cancer

4 Ways to Lower Stress and Prevent Breast Cancer

Everybody knows that stress leads to disease, but rarely do we talk about the happy “flip side” of this— learning how to calm stress responses kicks in the “relaxation response” that leads to health, more energy and less risk of… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness Nutrition, Health, Herbal Medicine, Medicine, Mental Health, Nutritional Medicine, Yoga