Tag: environment

How can pets be part of a sustainable future?
Although it’s impossible to know exactly how many dogs and cats there are in the world, estimates put the value at around 525 million dogs and 600 million cats. That’s around one dog or cat for every seven people. This… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Pets and Animals
Save The World: 5 Water-Saving Tips At Home That Helps The Environment
Water is without a doubt, one of the most vital ingredients of the world. Yet, our reliance on water takes it away from where it’s needed, such as lakes, oceans and the water cycle itself. As a result, every little… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Home, Lifestyle, Water
This Weekend’s Supermoon & Lunar Eclipse
If the fact that the total lunar eclipse this weekend is the last one until 2033 isn’t reason enough for you to stay up to catch a glimpse of the phenomenon, I’m not sure what is. Also, there’s the additional… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment
What Stands For a Healthy Home Environment
A healthy house environment is of a significant importance for the wellbeing of all family members. Most of us spend more time indoors so it is definitely worth thinking of various ways to improve and maintain a clean, tidy and… 0 Shares | | Posted in Home
Young First Time Drivers Buying Used Eco Vehicles
With the increased costs of motoring and the detrimental effect on the environment of internal combustion engine cars, the ‘eco car’ has proved highly popular in recent times. From the diesel or petrol driven car with special fuel economy and… 0 Shares | | Posted in Lifestyle
Simple Ways to Make Your Job Greener
Time spent at your workplace likely comprises a big chunk of your week, so it makes sense to be as eco-friendly as possible while there. Anyone can help the environment from their workplace with a few simple adjustments. Hopefully, the… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment
Francis & Laudato Si’
We have been hearing that His Holiness Pope Francis within his Encyclical Laudato Si’ (2015) has joined the ‘Climate Change Believers’ by chastising the skeptics/deniers. This is far from the truth! Perception and misguidedness have struck once again! The supposed… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, News, Politics & Government, Science, World
The Importance of Data Security in Electronics Recycling
Before You Get Rid of Your Electronics, Make Sure You Get Rid of Your Data Where Is Your Important Data Right Now? Have you ever stopped to think how much important private information is on your cell phone, laptop and… 0 Shares | | Posted in Computers
Saving the Environment, One Old CD and DVD at a Time
With the fast-paced age of digital movies and music, CDs and DVDs are fast becoming obsolete. However, there’s life yet in these antiquated discs – in fact, they may just be the ones returning life to the planet! Recently researchers… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment