Tag: EMF pollution

Reducing EMF Cell Phone Exposure Can Minimize ADHD Symptoms
EMF cell phone radiation exposure is linked to ADHD and other harmful health effects, so reducing exposure can significantly minimize the risk. What We Do Know There is an ongoing and seemingly never-ending debate on whether or not exposure to… 0 Shares | | Posted in Electropollution, Health, Mental Health
Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Contain Mercury
CFL’s or Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs were meant to replace traditional round incandescent light bulbs. They were touted to be cost and energy effective, but what many consumers didn’t know was that CFLs contain hazardous mercury gas. In addition to… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Environment, Health, Home, Lifestyle, Science & Tech
Experts warn pregnant mothers to keep cell phones and other wireless devices away from their wombs
A new public awareness initiative has brought together more than one hundred doctors, scientific experts and non-profit organizations from around the world to collectively express their grave concern about the risks that wireless radiation exposures pose to pregnancy. The Baby… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Health