Tag: dogs

The Ultimate Guide to Safe Human Food for Dogs: What Can They Eat?

The Ultimate Guide to Safe Human Food for Dogs: What Can They Eat?

When it comes to man’s best friend, we all want to spoil them with treats and rewards whenever possible. However, not all human foods are safe for our furry companions. As responsible pet parents, we need to be aware of… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Food, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Pets and Animals
Best Therapy Dogs – Which Canines Provide Best Companionship?

Best Therapy Dogs – Which Canines Provide Best Companionship?

Let’s be honest for a second, every dog can provide its humans with comfort, cuddles, and emotional support. Yet, at the same time, we have to admit that some breeds do it better than others. Simply put, they are better… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Lifestyle, Pets and Animals
Top 10 Things Dogs Can Teach Us About Life

Top 10 Things Dogs Can Teach Us About Life

Dogs teach us about the secret of happiness every single day, whether we understand it or not. Just look at the life your dog is living? How many times have you said my dog is living a happy life? It… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Lifestyle, Pets and Animals
Kratom Use by Pets — Anecdotal Reports by Pet Lovers

Kratom Use by Pets — Anecdotal Reports by Pet Lovers

The use of the herb kratom in pets has been a subject of much interest, due to the amazing results pet owners have reported and credited to the botanical. Much of the research to determine the safety of kratom has… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Medicine, News, Nutrition, Pets and Animals, Pharmaceuticals
How Inbreeding caused health problems in English bulldogs

How Inbreeding caused health problems in English bulldogs

English bulldogs are known well for their adorable and unique appearance. These medium-sized dogs with short low-slung bodies, droopy eyes, pushed in nose and wrinkled faces are popular pet favorites for many animal lovers around the world. Ranking 4th in… 0 Shares | | Posted in Pets and Animals
5 Signs Your Dog Has Lyme’s Disease

5 Signs Your Dog Has Lyme’s Disease

Lyme’s disease is one of the most devastating diseases for your pet and can eventually cause death through kidney failure if left untreated. Your dog can only get Lyme’s if an infected tick was attached to your pet for a… 0 Shares | | Posted in Pets and Animals
5 Things People Do That Really Annoy Dogs

5 Things People Do That Really Annoy Dogs

Dogs are considered part of the family for most of us. However, a variety of things people do actually annoy dogs. You may be surprised to find that dogs really would like us to stop doing some of the most… 0 Shares | | Posted in Pets and Animals
Pet Edibles Could Bring Unwelcome Squirmy ‘Surprise’

Pet Edibles Could Bring Unwelcome Squirmy ‘Surprise’

Ordering food (and treats) for animals over the web, and depending on the seller to pack them properly–and the shipper to not be careless–can leave you with handfuls of living creepy-crawlies that could gross you out forever! Even those bought… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Herbal Medicine, Pets and Animals
Insurance For Pets – Top Myths Debunked

Insurance For Pets – Top Myths Debunked

Security is the necessary foundation of any chore, disease, disaster, tragedy and misery that can hamper one’s life. Whether a man or a dog, both need assurance in their lives at the time of any disease or disaster. The pet… 0 Shares | | Posted in Pets and Animals
5 Ways To Make Your Puppy Happier

5 Ways To Make Your Puppy Happier

You may have read all the studies about how dogs can help reduce stress and make your life easier, so you’re ready to bite the bullet and head down to the local pet rescue place to obtain a new dog.… 0 Shares | | Posted in Pets and Animals