Tag: changes

Why The Best Intentions Don’t Make Real Changes

Why The Best Intentions Don’t Make Real Changes

So it is less than 2 months into 2016 and my well thought out intentions for the year have already started to slip, in particular getting more sleep which has been shown to have lots of health benefits. This study… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
Healthy Living: 5 Steps to Successfully Transitioning into a Healthier Lifestyle

Healthy Living: 5 Steps to Successfully Transitioning into a Healthier Lifestyle

How do you make healthy lifestyle changes that really last? All too often we read or hear about doing something – like cutting out wheat or dairy or drinking more water or exercising 3 times a week. It makes sense… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition
Healthy Life: Starting Where You are Now – 7 Things You Need to Know

Healthy Life: Starting Where You are Now – 7 Things You Need to Know

What are your health goals? Weight Loss? Heart health? Diabetes? Joint pain? Fatigue? COPD? Cancer? Looking and feeling your best? Avoiding serious disease? It doesn’t matter what your goals are, but how you approach reaching them makes a HUGE difference!… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Weight Loss