Tag: ab exercises

10 Steps to a Healthy Life – How I healed my headaches and lost 15 pounds

10 Steps to a Healthy Life – How I healed my headaches and lost 15 pounds

Find the time today to take action and heal your body and mind for a healthy life! These are steps that I’ve taken over the years to get where I am. Sometimes it wasn’t easy, but I have way more… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Food, Health, Health, Nutrition
10 Life Hacks for Better Health

10 Life Hacks for Better Health

A hack is when you do a trick, take or short cut or utilize a skills that produces an output with increase productivity and improved output. It doesn’t matter if it is a sore throat, improving your memory or fooling… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Health, Holistic Medicine, Lifestyle, Medicine, Mental Health, Nutrition, Personal Care, Strength Training, Weight Loss
Travel-inspired Ab Exercises

Travel-inspired Ab Exercises

Traveling really throws you off your routine, often leading to missed ab workouts. You’re tired, you’re stressed, you’re jet lagged, and the last thing you want to do are ab exercises. But nobody wants flabby abs either. Make your ab… 0 Shares | | Posted in Strength Training
Perform ab workouts standing up for six pack abs

Perform ab workouts standing up for six pack abs

Ab workouts performed on machines don’t build functional strength. Doing ab exercises on the floor is a more realistic type of training, but most people spend their days moving around in an upright position. The ab muscles aren’t just there… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Strength Training
Ab Workouts: Use an Exercise Ball for Obliques Exercises

Ab Workouts: Use an Exercise Ball for Obliques Exercises

Ab workouts on the floor are effective for getting six pack abs, but bringing in an exercise ball increases the difficultly to get you a sexy abdomen faster. You can feel the challenge as soon as you rest on the… 0 Shares | | Posted in Strength Training