Stop it in its tracks by boosting your immune system.
What to take:
Nano Silver 10ppm 3x daily 1 spoonful.
Oscillococcinum – This is a homeopathic medicine for flu like symptoms (body aches, headache, fever, chills and fatigue). It is intended to shorten the duration and intensity of any cold or flu.
Vitamin C 2,000mg every 6 hours. (liposomal Vitamin C absorbs the fastest)
Oregano oil capsules or essential oil (1 capsule 2x a day) or oil applied to back of neck brain stem area as needed. (note: Oregano is a “hot” oil so if you have sensitive skin mix 2-3 drops with a teaspoon of coconut, safflower or other oil before application.) Oregano is antiviral, antibacterial and antimicrobial and works on infections as strong as staph, MRSA and Ebola.
Oregano essential oil (highest quality) or
Drink a gallon of pure clean non-fluoridated water throughout the day. Add a pinch of Pink Himalayan salt for the trace
Kombucha Raw Organic Drinks are also helpful. They contain probiotics, enzymes and antioxidants.
For cough: Pineapple juice helps
as well as mixing a hot today of :
Apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon full)
Lemon (fresh)
Hot water
Dash of cinnamon
Honey to taste (preferably RAW)
Warm fluids like hot tea, soups, coffee, all help and just feel good.
Rest and take good care of yourself
Don’t watch the news and flip out thinking you are going to die of the next big “plague” coming through. Sensationalism sells and the news has become more entertainment than fact.
Hang in there – You will feel better soon.
Legal Disclaimer: This is not offered as medical advice but rather as sharing of ideas based on personal experience and first hand knowledge and study. Please see a doctor for professional care.