Society has flipped upside down: Toothpaste, Nazis and normalcy long lost


(NaturalNews) Earlier in the week, a tipster brought to my attention that an article I wrote reviewing a natural toothpaste product had been ripped off and pasted on some sort of Nazi website (without my permission or knowledge, of course).

“I guess Nazis want healthy teeth, too!” they told me.

This was all happening while Angelina Jolie was breaking the news about the surgical removal of her breasts even though she has no breast cancer. The mere presence of the BRCA1 gene in her body, she explained, caused her to cut off her body parts as a bizarre form of disease “prevention.”

My how the world has changed, hasn’t it? Because I remember a time when Nazis were cutting off body parts and women wanted healthy teeth.

Society has flipped upside-down

I remember a time when journalism meant asking questions instead of following orders.

I remember a time when whistleblowers who exposed corruption were celebrated rather than arrested.

I remember a time when police assisted people in wheelchairs instead of tasing them.

I remember a time when non-profits that taught the Constitution were celebrated by the community rather than investigated by the IRS.

I remember a time when someone having “friends” meant real people in the real world, not virtual people on Facebook.

I remember a time when food was grown by farmers using seeds, not “mass produced” by “agri-giants” using GMOs.

I remember a time when heroes were men who charged enemy machine gun nests on remote Pacific islands and took out enemy soldiers with bayonets. Now “heroes” are just overpaid professional sports players who announce they’re gay.

I remember a time when the water that came out of your tap wasn’t poisoned with fluoride, laced with pharmaceuticals or contaminated with explosive gasses from fracking.

I remember a time when the word “terrorist” meant someone who hated America, not someone who loves the Constitution.

I remember a time when government food stamps were handed out to Americans, not illegal immigrants.

Maybe I’m just old fashioned, but I remember a time when most people actually believed in individual liberty and responsibility, not collectivist government “taking care of them.”

Society has flipped and is upside down. Maybe it’s time we flipped it right side up!

Mike Adams
Mike Adams (the "Health Ranger") is the founder of, an independent news source covering personal and planetary wellness from nutrition to sustainable living. He's written thousands of articles on nutritional therapies, natural remedies and health care reform, attracting a following of millions of readers around the world.