Lavender oil is quite possibly one of the most versatile of essential oils with its numerous uses ideal for everyday healthcare. Read on to discover six ways in which lavender oil can help you on a daily basis and even replace the products you’re currently buying.
- Sleep Aid
Lavender is most famous for its ability to calm and relax, thus aiding with peaceful sleep at night. Not only can it be inhaled straight from the bottle or from a diffuser, but it can also be applied topically to your feet, temples or anywhere you see fit. Applying a couple of drops to your pillow may also be a good way to inhale the scent throughout the night.
- To treat insect Bites
You may be used to buying chemical products in your local pharmacy to treat insect bites but believe me, there’s nothing better than choosing a natural option that works even better. If you’ve been bitten by a mosquito or any other insect, simply apply a small amount of lavender to stop itching and to reduce swelling.
- Burn Cream
Lavender can also be used instead of a burn cream. Apply the lavender to see quick results; an incredible reduction in redness and pain.
- Diaper Rash Cream
Forget buying diaper cream. You only want the best for your baby, after all. Turn to nature and mix some lavender into a carrier oil such as almond oil or olive oil. You’ll notice just how quickly the soreness is reduced. You’ll also save money on those expensive creams; with lavender oil, a little goes a long way!
- Allergy relief
Inhaling lavender can help alleviate symptoms associated with seasonal allergies. For best results, it can be diffused which will also help clear the air of allergens in the room you are in.
- Flavor your food
If you love the smell of lavender, you no doubt will love the taste. Lavender cookies or a refreshing lavender flavored drink can be made by adding a very small amount of lavender to your mixture, to a salad dressing, or straight into water. Start with less initially until you get the flavor you desire, since essential oils are extremely concentrated. You should only be using an essential oil such as lavender for internal consumption if you buy it from a reputable company with therapeutic grade oil.
It is very important to remember just how concentrated essential oils are so always start off with less and always dilute your oil with a carrier oil to prevent sensitivity.
With the appropriate care, lavender essential oil can replace many items in a first aid kit or a bathroom cabinet. With just one small bottle you can treat your family with the best and most natural care.