Simple Steps to Keep GMOs Out Of Your Diet


GMO foods are dangerous and should be avoided. The reason why is because GMO stands for genetically modified organisms. This means the food you eat is genetically engineered with DNA that come from micro-organisms such as yeast, insects, plants, fish, mammals, bacteria, virus strands and fungus.

To help you understand better, it means the food you eat is created from living modified organisms. Anything modified in anyway is unnatural and not good for human consumption. After all,  GMO foods have been linked to cancer and other dangerous illnesses such as autoimmune diseases.

The best way to keep the body healthy and free from illness is to stay away from toxic modified foods and use a GMO free diet instead.

A GMO free diet consists of organic whole foods that have not been genetically changed in any sort of way. The best way to know if the foods you are getting are free from GMOs is to buy from local organic farmers and food producers who are certified as GMO free food growers. You may pay extra for these foods, but in the end, you will be enhancing the length of your life and nourishing the body instead of poisoning it with modified foods.

If you really want to ensure, that the foods you are going to eat are not modified in anyway it is best togrow the foods you want in a garden. Some of the foods you can grow in a garden are fruits, vegetables, herbs and grains. If there isn’t enough garden space, pots and planter boxes can be used instead.

Something else you may want to consider is raising your own meats as well. Doing this can ensure that the meats you are going to eat in the future aren’t modified in any kind of way. Although, it is hard work raising farm fresh meats, in the long run it’s worth it because you will know the protein you’ll be eating isn’t full of GMOs or other toxins.

If growing a garden and raising meats aren’t options for you, you can help keep a GMO free diet byshopping at whole food grocery stores that don’t carry modified products. If you do not have the luxury of shopping at such a place, just make sure you look for GMO free labels on the foods you purchase.

If you are trying to find fresh meats, it is best to go to local butchers and ask for organic meats that are GMO free. If the butcher does not carry that, ask the butcher for other local meat places in the area that might. If fish is the main protein you eat most, visit a local fish market or go fishing for fresh fish yourself.

Also, make sure you get milks, yogurts, ice creams, cheeses and eggs from farms as well, but make sure the farms you get these items from keep the foods you get in raw organic form. This will ensure that the food you are actually getting are free from GMOs.

Keeping GMOs out of your diet does not have to be difficult. In fact, it can be easy if you stick to certified farms, grocery stores, gardening and local produce producers that specialize in keeping foods in pure form. While it can be expensive to stick to this kind of diet, you may find you save more money by eating a diet free from modified foods because you spend less time sick and visiting the doctors.

After all, the food you eat should nourish and protect your body instead of damage it with unnatural poisons.

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Heidi Kristoffer
I am Heidi Kristoffer, as an expert on natural health and holistic medicine, I am willing to help people live happier capable lives by sharing my health opinions with others. I am good at writing topics such as: medicine, natural remedies, foods and mental health. I think living a simple and healthy life, including eating healthy, exercising regularly and positively thinking, is the best medicine.