Science Study: Grass-Fed Butter Eaters Slashes Heart Attack Risk To Half


For those of you that avoid all dairy, you may want to rethink it if you can. Butter, especially grassfed, can be very nutritious. The fatty acids it contains (like CLA) are very good for health, especially gut health. CLA is known to help fight intestinal candida. Grassfed butter can also contain high levels of Vitamin K2 (not just “Vitamin K”) which is good for repairing intestinal Tight Junctions, thus helping heal Leaky Gut. I realize that not everyone can eat dairy, but many who think they can’t probably can. If you’re truly “allergic” then avoid it, if you have casein issues butter is often fine as it is mostly butter fat, not protein. Fermented products homemade kefir and aged cheeses are also good. All of this is discussed at length in The Gut Health Protocol.

Butter From Grass-Fed Cows is a Major Source of Heart-Healthy Nutrients

Butter is basically just milk fat, also known as butterfat.

Butterfat is highly complex. It contains about 400 different fatty acids, and a decent amount of fat-soluble vitamins.

Fatty acids are actually more than just energy sources, some of them have potent biological activity.

As it turns out, many of the fatty acids in butter can affect our physiology and biochemistry in some way, leading to major health benefits.

This includes the fatty acid CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). It is popular as a fat loss supplement, and studies show that it can have powerful effects on health.

Grass-fed butter contains 5 times more CLA than butter from grain-fed cows.

Butter from grass-fed cows is also much higher in Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K2, compared to butter from grain-fed cows .

As you can see, butter from grass-fed cows is a much healthier and more nutritious choice.
Butter Contains Saturated Fat, But Who Cares?

Butter used to be considered unhealthy, because it contains saturated fat.

However, this is actually not a valid argument against butter, because the saturated fat myth has been thoroughly debunked in recent years.

Two massive review studies were published recently, one in 2010 and the other in 2014. Both included hundreds of thousands of people.

These studies clearly showed that there is no association between saturated fat consumption and heart disease.

Studies Show That People Who Eat Grass-Fed Butter Have a Lower Risk of Heart Disease

In countries where cows are largely grass-fed, the people who eat the most butter seem to have a drastically reduced risk of heart disease.The relationship between full-fat dairy consumption and heart disease seems to depend on the country in which the study is performed.


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Alijuina Herw
Alijuina Herw is a passionate, tea-loving, nutritionist, herbalist , who believes in the healing power of nature. She help people find out what their goals are, then coach them to use their own resources to improve their health and happiness. She like to see her as a very holistic nutritionist, herbalist that you can trust for the best advice and service for your health.