Salt Plus Oil: Medicinal Pairs Against Osteochondrosis Pain


Osteochondrosis is a diseases that destroy bone tissue. The condition affects growing bone and generally found in the joints of children and teenagers. A lack of blood supply to the bone tissue destroys it, and though it is gradually replaced over a number of years, growth progress is delayed. It is sometimes also referred to as osteochondritis.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis typically include pain, tenderness, and sometimes swelling at the site of the bone loss.

This amazing natural remedy will not only soothe and eliminate pain caused by Osteochondrosis, but it will also lower the frequency of experiencing pain in the next few years.


10 tablespoons of salt
20 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil

How to prepare it

Combine the ingredients together in a glass bottle. Let it stay for several days and after that the solution is ready to use.

How to apply it

Every morning should be lubricated with a vigorous rub-down, cervical vertebrae in places where you feel pain. At first rub-down for 2-3 minutes, every day adding another 2-3 minutes, at the end of prejudice during rub-down to 20 minutes. After the end of the massage, neck wipe with a damp, warm cloth.

With such procedures as this one, a minor skin irritation is possible. This is why you should wipe your skin with a dry cloth as well as apply baby’s powder on it.

The outcome of the 10-day treatment is improving of cartilage muscle regeneration and bone tissue, as well as stimulating blood circulation. After 8-10 procedures you will be able to feel radical change.

This procedure also stabilizes blood circulation in the cervical spine, has a positive result on eyesight and eliminates headaches. And all this is possible because this massage is improving the elimination of toxins from our system. This natural osteoporosis treatment is free of side effects, and works effectively.

