Your Relationship To The Topic Of Health


Your relationship to the topic of health may affect your level of health more than anything else. This relationship can consist of

  • What you think about health
  • How you feel about health
  • How many perspectives you have about health
  • How expansive your perception, consciousness, and attention is on health
  • The depth of knowledge and wisdom you have concerning health

If you’re not healthy, you might want to look closer at the dynamics of this relationship. This could very well be a choice you make on top of other options which include but are not limited to modifications in diet, detoxification, and stress relief. Even the options just mentioned can be implemented in different ways and there are definitely more choices than the ones I’ve just come up with. What’s the point?

The point is you always want to stay open about the topic of health. You always want to be open to knowing that one new thing, ‘the knowing of which could change everything’, to quote Neale Donald Walsch. That one new piece of knowledge could be the very thing that completely changes your health for the better.

And, if you enjoy outstanding health, it still helps to keep expanding your consciousness around the subject of health. That means looking continuing to look at it from different levels in different areas of life. Physical health is just one small part of the picture. The larger picture encompasses the mental side, emotional side, and spiritual side. Health can also be viewed in other areas of life and they often have some impact on the physical side as well.

These include the health of one’s relationships, one’s finances, and one’s career. Assessing the health of these areas will also help on the physical side of staying healthy. Having plenty of knowledge and wisdom in these areas brings even more depth to the topic of staying healthy.

You can always of course draw on advice from experts at the top of the health field instead or in addition to exploring the subject of health on your own. Many of them, however, will also tell you than no matter what advice is followed, you’ve got to listen to your own body.

That could mean carefully monitoring how it responds and feels after every health decision you make. If you really want complete clarity on this, you write down all the feedback your body is giving you.

These include thoughts after you made the health decisions, emotions following the health decision you made, the specific health decision you made, the time you made that health decision, the exact details of that health decision, and even scales rating how well you’re doing, or how close you are to making progress towards any goal you’ve set for yourself.

Even if you don’t journal all this or record this, ‘listening to the body’ can be interpreted in many other different ways. You might from moment to moment, monitor your body, thoughts, and emotions at every moment. From one moment to the next, at every moment, you see how balanced you feel and how much you feel are in alignment with life. Feeling perfectly balanced and in alignment is one sign that the body gives you when you are on the right track. It might not be the only sign, but it is one of many that you could be counting on if you are listening to it.

If you’re feeling out of balance on some level, it’s going to help to reflect on what might have caused it and then make changes so that it does not happen again. It could definitely be something on the physical level, psychological level, spiritual level, or some other level I have not mentioned that could apply to you.

I say it in this way because health is such a multi-faceted subject. It cannot and does not encompass just the physical arena. To act as if it does is to choose to have tunnel vision in a certain sense! You might know much about the physical side, but because all of your focus is there, you potentially blind yourself to other factors outside the physical arena which impact health.

It’s going to help to not get stuck in one model, perspective, or system in the topic of health, or in any other topic you might be exploring. You never want to be stuck to one thing so much that it blinds you to something else that can be just as helpful or even more helpful. That’s why a continually expansive focus is so powerful. It gives you access to more resources, makes you question everything you know, encourages you to expand your perception and consciousness, and helps you see that there can be many right answers. It encourages creativity and novelty on a certain level and on another level, it forces you to explore more information, and thus make more informed decisions.

Ultimately, it encourages a more independent path. One that is best suited for you. The health world does not always give one definitive, universal answer to everything. One logical response to this is this…The decision to constantly ask questions about health, come up with new perspectives about health, and explore whatever new perspective is created around health.

The idea is to ‘never rest on your laurels’ when relating to the topic of health. Constant inquiry and development of new perspectives is one way to do this. The aim? Wisdom at the highest level displayed through optimum health on all levels. Talk about an interesting relationship to the topic of health…What do you discover when you try to do this?
