Everyone is aware of the scams in the fitness supplement industry. The biggest one is supplement companies paying for their own research, which always tells us their pills and powders are the greatest things on earth. Unfortunately, it gets much scarier.
These kinds of scams have found their way into the mainstream food industry, and they affect the food we put into our bodies on a daily basis. Is the refined sugar you eat secretly killing you? I am sure many of you have already suspected this but now it is not only out in the open, but also the fraudulent studies are also.
One Of The Biggest Food Scandals In History
Way back in the 1960s, the wool was pulled over our eyes by the influential sugar industry and we’re only finding out about it now. They were rocked by the news a diet high in refined sugar was causing coronary heart disease, so they did the only thing they could.
They somehow managed to fund a Harvard University study telling us the major cause of heart disease was saturated fat. This one study alone would change the way Americans and western countries ate for decades.
A Killer On The Supermarket Shelves
Do you even remember how much this effected your eating habits over the years? You would walk into a supermarket and buy low-fat yogurt, because it was apparently healthier for you.
Taking fat out of yogurt wasn’t going to please your tastebuds, so they would drown it in spoonfuls of refined sugar instead. I’m sure you can think of more foods they’ve destroyed too. We’ll never know how many lives were lost thanks to the Harvard study.
Lives Worth Less Than A Dollar
We do know D. Mark Hegsted and Fredrick Stare were the researchers responsible for coming to the fateful conclusion saturated fat was the problem.
We also know in today’s money they were only paid $50,000 by the Sugar Association. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the country, so each life lost was worth well less than a dollar. Each life was actually worth less than one cent. We can’t ask them what they were thinking because they’re both dead.
It’s Much Safer These Days
Science is still wrong some of the time, weather this is done intentionally is worry some. However thanks to the internet we are currently living in the information age, so with websites such as this one you can find out about things that people would not want you to know about.
Another reason why is because researchers aren’t allowed to publish their findings so easily in major medical journals, they have to go through the proper channels, however that can be a double edged sword in the respect that information exposing untruths could be denied publishing in medical journals.
Also they can’t withhold information about where their funding came from, which wasn’t the case in the past.
We’re Still Paying The Price
Even though we are more informed these days we’re still paying the price. Think about all the people who are still suffering today because of the way they ate in the past.
We can’t forget everyone who has lost loved ones, plus it’s taken a huge toll on the healthcare system. If everyone knew how dangerous refined sugar could be and reduced their consumption a long time ago, it would completely change the problems we’re facing as a society right now.
The Answer Is Right In Front Of You
We are slowly coming around to the fact saturated fat isn’t the monster it was portrayed to be. It’s also great to see diets low in sugar growing more popular by the day. (I am not downplaying the health hazards of processed trans fats)
We’re still lucky University of California researchers unearthed the Harvard study, because if anything it’s helped us face up to reality even more. If you’re still stuck in your old ways you have to realize it’s not doing you any good. Keep up to date on the latest nutrition research because it could save your life.
Source for article Draxe.com
About The Author
Hi my name is Robert, me and my partner have a passion for cutting edge technology and environmentally friendly living and have a blog dedicated to technology and sustainability; Energy-hq.com