This is my first post and intend to do many if there is an interest. I want to be the “Dear Abby” of advice for obstacles that cause overeating. I want to give confidence to those who were/are put down in their lives and want to grow a positive spirit. I want to show the world that weight loss can be done by an average person and that perseverance can be achieved, regardless of what naysayers say or do. Who am I? This person, this blog author, is an actual author of a book, Goodbye Fatness, Hello Gorgeous! It shows my struggles as a result of being overweight, and divulges tips/tricks on how to overcome healthy eating obstacles. I lost 125 pounds in three and a half years and it has been almost four years more of maintaining. It has been a rewarding journey and it is my goal to help others so they do not suffer as I did at 272 pounds.
Why did I write this book? My reason is that so many other books are terrible! One book has a cookbook of diet recipes with all additives and chemical concoctions that taste terrible. Even the readers poorly rated the recipes! Diet sour cream and diet wax cheeses are just not acceptable to me. One said stomach surgery and a personal trainer are best. An average person not have the kind of money this person has. I also do not like books that tell me I can never eat certain favorite foods of mine. Let’s say a book instructs that I have to give up on carbohydrates. Is this book informing me that I can never have pizza, bread, cookies, cake, and pasta ever again? No way! If we want success, then we need to be allowed to enjoy our favorite foods from time to time, some more often than others! I was tired of the horrible quality books and terrible advice. Therefore, after three years, my book is complete and is ready to motivate to lose weight while cultivating a positive spirit! My tips and tricks are sensible, doable, and can work with any budget. I will use some advice from the book, and give some extra! For more complete tips/tricks, get the book on Barnes and Noble or Amazon websites.
So feel free to comment, ask a question. Let me know you are out there so I know this is not in vain. At the time of this blog, it is the holiday season. Therefore, my next blog will be some tidbits on how to get through holiday parties. Let’s take the journey to help motivation increase while the weight decreases!