Psychiatry causes an incalculable amount of harm in modern society, particularly when the pharmaceutical drugs that psychiatrists prescribe make a person homicidal. Most of the mass shootings that have made the news have been shown to have been committed by people on psychotropics. It is well documented that selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) make people prone to violence. The best source of information on this is the book Medication Madness The Role of Psychiatric Drugs in Cases of Violence, Suicide, and Crime, by Peter R. Breggin. M.D. Unfortunately, pharmaceutical companies are doing everything in their power to suppress such information. Whenever someone is killed in a mass shooting, it would be most appropriate for the surviving family to learn what psychotropic the shooter had been taking, and sue the pharmaceutical company for wrongful death. We won’t be freed of the albatross of these atrocities until we hold these companies legally accountable.
Psychiatry is made up of two different concepts: one is the use of psychology and its techniques through talking to try to solve a person’s emotional problems, and the other is prescribing drugs, including psychotropics. I will address each in turn.
The techniques of psychology grew out of the work of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, among others. Later, new approaches developed, of which Carl Rogers and B.F. Skinner were the advocates, for example.
Freud was an atheist who fixated on sex and sexuality, among other things. He developed the idea that many of our problems are related to our sexual expression, and proposed such theories as that men want to marry their mothers (the Oedipus Complex) and women want to marry their fathers. While it seems self-evident that most people tend to choose mates that resemble the parent of the opposite gender, Freud carried it to pathological lengths. He developed psychoanalysis and used hypnosis as one of his tools. Psychoanalysis included analyzing dreams. Because of his atheism, he did not address questions of sin and guilt, nor did he acknowledge that God or the need for God might have an influence on a person’s emotional health. Nor do Freud and his successors acknowledge any kind of universal ethic, the violation of which causes emotional harm to the violator.
Carl Jung was a contemporary of Freud, and made contributions of the difference between the conscious and subconscious, the idea that integrating the two will produce individuation, which is central to the development of mental health, and the use of archetypes. He also contributed to dream analysis. He was involved in the occult. This demonstrates that psychology developed at least in part from a religious basis, since the practice of the occult is a religious exercise and affects a person’s worldview.
B.F. Skinner taught behaviorism. This is the idea, among others, that what you actually DO affects your outlook. I remember a friend who was instructed to do a lot of housework because she hated housework. Other than the obvious notion that this will only create more resentment of what is already hated, it is not at all obvious that this is helpful in any other way. The mind is not totally influenced by one’s behavior. We retain the ability to develop perspectives and to analyze and disagree with what we are actually doing. Skinner’s radical behaviorism ignores such things as thinking, perceptions, and unobservable emotions. Skinner developed a device called the Skinner Box, which consists of a box with a lever. When the lever is pressed, a bit of food pops out. It was used to train small animals to press the lever, and to study the animals.
Rogers practiced “unconditional positive regard”. According to this, no judgments of behavior are made. Instead, the person is accepted unconditionally no matter what he does. I observed the working out of this idea in the children’s program, Mister Rogers Neighborhood (no relation to Carl Rogers, as far as I know). Mister Rogers repeatedly told children they are people of worth, but at no time does he ever encourage them to engage in worthy behavior that is befitting their own worth. When I called his attention to this deficit, he blew me off.
The problem that appears to stem from these several techniques of psychoanalysis is that at no time does the therapist ever suggest ways in which a person can address the causes of his mental and emotional dis-ease, and offer suggestions of wisdom. Instead, the person gets caught up in an endless stream of sessions, each of which is fairly expensive, during which he resolves nothing, and may in the long run resort to magnifying small incidents of no importance just to have something to talk about. Observe that the person seeks help in the first place, because he doesn’t have the answers. If the therapist provides no guidance, then he has wasted his money in vain. I am reminded of the way in which pharmaceutical companies seek to hook people on drugs that improve symptoms but do not address the underlying cause of the symptoms, so that they can continue to sell drugs to their victims indefinitely. Sound familiar?
Psychiatrists also prescribe drugs. Drugs are developed by pharmaceutical companies with the intent of establishing a long term customer. They are not interested in restoring a person to emotional health such that he no longer needs these drugs. Doing so would cost them a customer. Yet, as with other medical doctors, they use various techniques (which I would allege amount to cult mind control techniques) to persuade doctors to prescribe these harmful drugs rather than find a real answer.
It is said that the drugs help correct a chemical imbalance, some kind of medical abnormality. Actually, it has been my observation that most of the time, if there is any kind of medical problem, it involves a dietary deficiency rather than the absence of some harmful chemical. People don’t develop Zoloft deficiencies! These chemicals are not natural to the body. I have observed that if a person can correct the deficiency, often emotional equilibrium is restored. It is well known that stress uses up nutrients, and this requires replenishment at a higher rate than will be supplied with food. I have observed people regain emotional equilibrium from taking such supplements as phosphatidyl choline, for example.
Unfortunately, psychiatry is regarded as a legitimate branch of medicine. I sincerely hope we can take away this ill-gotten legitimacy and develop real solutions.
One of the consequences is that government often funds mental hospitals where people are incarcerated against their will for thought crimes. They are literally locked up, and government pays for this. This is highly unconstitutional and needs to stop. Admittedly, there are people who need help, and who may be a danger to self and others, but this particular solution is unacceptable. People accept it only because in many cases, they feel a need to feel superior to someone else. It is no longer fashionable to feel superior on the grounds of race or gender. This makes a good substitute, and dysfunctional people are vulnerable precisely because they cannot defend themselves.
I watched as one Asian young lady was put into this situation. Most Asians do not acknowledge the validity of psychiatry, and it doesn’t fit their culture. Our culture is very individualistic, while Asian culture tends to emphasize interdependence (both are extremes, and a healthy culture would find a balance between the two). This young woman had been assaulted, and sought help, but when she acted Asian (expressing shame), she wound up incarcerated. I watched as a psychiatrist interviewed her, and totally ignored her culture, demonstrating that it was unimportant and he was totally lacking in knowledge. And then at the hearing to decide whether to keep her, he lied on the witness stand about the interview. The young woman was basically told, either submit to drugging, or we will keep you locked up.
I also observed as a boy of 12 was subjected to high doses of Zoloft because he reacted adversely to his mother’s behavior, which included a vicious divorce, enslavement in a multi-level marketing motivational group (MLM is a business cult), and her general nastiness in their home, without the opportunity and choice of living with his father instead. The father never consented to Zoloft, and when he pointed out this lack of consent to the prescribing psychiatrist, and demanded that his son stop the medications, the psychiatrist complied and weaned the child off the drugs with no significant consequences. Giving children poison because their parents are abusing them emotionally is not acceptable.
As an alternative, a Christian by the name of Jay Adams developed a method of counseling based in the Bible. It is known as nouthetic counseling. I offer this as a contrast to psychology and psychiatry. It acknowledges sin, and violation of universal human ethics (natural law), as a cause of emotional distress. While it’s not necessarily the perfect method, mentioning it is my way of illustrating that because psychiatry is relatively ineffective and there are alternatives, to show that psychiatry is not valid as a science, because it doesn’t address all human beings regardless of culture. There are other methods used by other relgions to deal with emotional problems as well.
It is my hope that the general public will see through the scam which we call “psychiatry” and reject it. It has permeated our schools, our justice system, our government, and many other vital institutions, and acts as a major method of oppression and slavery. It is high time to bring this to a screeching halt. Obviously, if you agree with my analysis, I hope you, the reader, will speak up at every reasonable opportunity. Above all, we all need to stop imposing this false “science” on other people against their will. If we refuse to do this, there will come a time when government tyrants will use this system to dispose of political dissent, as has happened in totalitarian regimes in the past.