Pre-Natal Problems: Healing Haemorrhoids


As an expectant mother, your health and the health of your baby are naturally your primary concerns – unfortunately, though, pregnancy often brings with it its own health problems. Everything from hormonal changes to the physical weight of carrying a baby can contribute to or exacerbate health concerns and problematic symptoms.


While topics such as backache, cramp and blood pressure are openly discussed among pregnant women and their GPs, there are other common health concerns which rarely get spoken about.


Why do pregnant women get haemorrhoids?


Constipation and haemorrhoids (or piles are they are commonly known) go hand-in-hand with each other and are extremely common during pregnancy. Haemorrhoids are a common problem faced by adults of all ages, but their prevalence is particularly high among pregnant women – with over 30% of expectant mothers encountering the issue. This is due to a number of factors, namely constipation and hormonal changes weakening the walls of your blood vessels. The physical weight of the baby exerting pressure on the veins in your rectal area can also be to blame.


What can be done?


While surgical treatment is available, this is an extreme measure which is rarely pursued – especially during pregnancy. In the majority of cases, haemorrhoids will eventually reduce in size and clear up by themselves. However, understandably, many women want to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible.


Natural remedies


It’s only natural for mothers to want the best for their baby – which is why many choose to avoid harsh chemicals or unnecessary medications while their baby develops. Luckily, there are numerous natural remedies which can clear up haemorrhoids effectively.


Increasing your fibre intake through a healthy and balanced diet can quickly relieve constipation – reducing the straining which can both cause and aggravate developing haemorrhoids. In order to maximise the effectiveness of fibre, it’s essential that you drink plenty of water to aid your digestive system.


Exercise has also been proven to effectively relieve the symptoms of haemorrhoids. It is essential that you consult your doctor before taking up any form of exercise while pregnant – but it can significantly improve circulation, addressing the veins which cause the problem.


For faster relief, a natural topical solution can be applied directly to the area – reducing swelling and effectively clearing up haemorrhoids in no time. With the ability to provide cooling and soothing relief, these natural remedies protect the delicate skin in this area – allowing it to heal quickly.



Tori Atkinson is a natural health blogger for Ultra Clear Plus
Ultra Clear Plus is a soothing skincare ointment. Harnessing the power of nature’s finest healing ingredients, it can effectively treat conditions such as haemorrhoids, eczema and skin irritations in minimal time.

Tori Atkinson