Personalize Your Site’s Call to Actions for Increased Engagement


Consumers have come to expect a personalized experience when visiting a website. If customers on your site don’t get that, then chances are good they’ll leave in frustration. Costing you the sale and possibly a customer. Look at Amazon. They’ve got personalization down to an art, as do many other large and well-known websites. If you’ve been shopping around online for apparel featuring your favorite football team, then you’ll likely see similar items plastered all over Amazon when you visit.

How Much Does Personalization Help?

Just how important is it to make your call-to-actions not only clear and concise, but personalized to each individual user? Hubspot found that call-to-actions that are targeted can increase their performance by over 40 percent. 42 percent to be exact. That alone is a huge increase and well worth the effort it takes to design creative, personalized CTA’s instead of using the same creative for all visitors to your site. But there’s more… Forrester also says that some customers are willing to spend a whopping 50 percent more if they’re presented with offers that are personalized specifically for them.

Personalization VS Sequencing

Making the decision to personalize your user’s experience on your site is a good first move. But more research recently showed that sequencing your creatives can also have a big impact on their effectiveness. Facebook, Adaptly and Refinery29 worked together in a study to determine how sequencing ads and CTA’s throughout a storyline would work. The result? Conversions that increased by more than 50 percent and view-throughs that increased nearly 90%.

If you aren’t personalizing your CTA’s or getting creative with how your ads are presented, you’re definitely losing potential leads or customers. Maybe you realize that and know that you should be doing it, but feel like it’s not something you’re capable of doing. There are many reasons why some businesses feel this way. Some feel they don’t have enough content. Some feel it would require a massive overhaul and redesign of the entire site. Some think it’ll require expensive software and services.

Truth is, you can get started fairly easy. It’s probably safe to say that you segment your site’s visitors in at least one or two ways. Understanding your visitors, who they are and why they’re there is the first step. You don’t have to go crazy trying to segment 20 groups of people and drill down into sub-segments. Simply plugging in their info from your CRM to determine if they’ve bought from you in the past or if they’re a brand new potential customer can be a good start.

Once you’ve got the basics down and start to see personalization work for you, then you can consider digging deeper. Breaking your visitors down into further, more specific segments. Determining the pages that are most often visited by certain segments to understand their interests. There are many software as a service’s available that you could dive into, including Google Analytics. But you could also consult with professionals about Asapy .Net services or other helpful programs designed to help your business get the most of their site.

Social Media Personalization

While you don’t have as much control here, there are still ways you can probably make your social media ads and CTA’s more personal. For example, Facebook. You actually have quite a bit of control here. You can use custom audiences and website custom audiences (WCA) to show specific ads to specific groups of people. You could create these groups based on their interests or even location. If you have a local shoe store, you can create a campaign that only displays to people within 20 miles of your store who have kids (school shoes) or are into fashion. I recommend checking out this guide to WCA to get headed in the right direction.

Veronica Davis