The quest to becoming fit is one that fills out buckets of sweat! If you are not sweating, then you are not doing it right! This is perhaps the biggest misconception floating around the world today.
Hard work is what will make you walk the path leading to fitness with sheer style. Otherwise, you will just be wasting your time!
When the human body sweats, it does so to restore the body temperature back to normal because it tends to increase during workouts. In no way, does sweating signal the burning of calories.
Therefore, you may be drooping sweat after an intense workout; however, if you think that the amount of sweat is the signal to you having lost calories, then you would be wrong.
In the past, physical fitness was maintained by doing free-hand exercises – perhaps, the best exercises of them all. However, today, courtesy science, free-hand exercises sees a lot of competition from equipment-based exercises. Moreover, a host of different fitness routines that are based on new outlooks are also there.
The choice, therefore, has become a big one; but the logic should stay the same. And, this logic does not feature an ounce of sweat in the first place. What it features is the realistic requirement of losing fat or gaining muscles.
A large number of fitness experts have accepted the fact that sweating is the cooling mechanism of the human body. Today, this information is being made available to the entire pool of people still suffering from the misconception of sweating being a calorie buster.
A misconception indeed – after all, sweating is a natural process. It takes place – reiterating here – when the body heats up. What burns the calories are the workouts of the muscles present in the body and the fat.
When a person is exercising, the energy level decreases. However, in order to continue exercising, a certain amount of energy is always required. Where does it come from? It comes from the burning of fat – the storehouse of energy.
Then, what do we mean when we say, ‘burning calories’. A calorie, first things first, is not a physical entity. It is, however, a measurement unit for measuring heat energy. The heat energy takes places when the resident fat is burned – technically oxidized as a result of exercising.
Therefore, when we do tuck jumps:
- Our body sweats in order to cool down
- Heat energy, measured in calories, is created due to the oxidization of fat
- The lower body muscles get exercised
Let’s consider now a sub-misconception – related to the main misconception being talked here but focused towards a different area.
It is quite incorrect to segregate a section of people in terms of their sweating ability. Put simply, sweating is an occurrence that can take place in both fat and skinny people. Saying that only fat people sweat is absolutely incorrect, because the body with over 2 million sweat glands can easily belong to a person who is not fat and still sweat like a trip from the river – that is the reality.
Coming back to the agenda – the path to fitness is certainly not a sweaty one.
Irrespective of how many hours spent on the treadmill, there would be no visible results if the support functions to working out are not done. These support functions are that of having a balanced and healthy diet, having proper sleep, and so on.
Knowledge – Apart from correctly doing the support functions, the path to fitness would be a dark one in the absence of knowledge. This knowledge is that of the ability to understand the type of workout required. Hence, someone who wants to lose fat should not go straight away for body weight exercise routines. Rather, a methodical approach should be followed – one that features the starting step as running/jogging with the next steps being jumping jacks, squats, lunges and so on.
So, the objective of writing this article is proved that Fitness healthy lifestyle – you don’t need to judge sweat as your weight-loss criterion.