On-Page SEO Guide for Health Websites


If don’t know how to do On-Page SEO, or just having trouble, here is a simple guide that explains everything about basic SEO principles.

I have no doubt that you have an edge over your local competitors in whichever health industry you operate within, after reading through this guide, who are doing On-Page SEO below standard. Let’s get to it!

Page Titles

When it comes to optimizing your pages for SEO performance, Page Titles are an important aspect that readers evaluate when making the decision to click on a search result. This element is also greatly used by search engine bots when determining what pages show up, when someone searches a term.

Key tips:

– Use your main keyword at least once, preferably at the start of the title

– Use 60 characters or less

– Use pipe symbols ( | ) to divide specific keyword phrases

Social Signals

Generating social signals really comes back to creating content that people like to share on social media and this is an important aspect of SEO nowadays because of how prevalent social media use is. Social media sharing is an indicator that your content is valuable to readers, which Google values as part of it’s complex ranking algorithm.

Key tips:

– Take time to craft your content to appeal to readers

– Add social sharing buttons in prominent areas within your site

Page Descriptions Page/Meta Descriptions

These are a key factor to how your page listing appears in the SERPs and serves as the welcome mat into that page for the reader. If you have a low quality description, or do not have one, you will not be able to attract readers to your page.

Key tips:

– Use your main keyword once, preferably in the first half of the description

– Use 150 characters or less

Page Description

A good thing with most blogging platforms is that page URLs are auto-posted based on your page/post title. This means if you’re properly writing an optimized page/post title, your page URL will be optimized as well with the keyword you’re going after. This is extremely helpful to you in the long run since page URLs are often used as the text for linking to or back to your site. Page URLs consistently plays a key factor in search engine rankings.

– Focus on writing great page/post titles if your site auto-post urls

– It’s best not to include any specific dates in your url.

Body Headlines

Your main headline within your page content, usually with an H1 heading tag, acts as another element for the user after they decide to click on your site. Moz SEO has found out that their most recent rank research suggest that a relevant first headline, can make and break a pages rankings. Make sure you use your primary keyword, in the headline, as well but do not duplicate your page title exactly. Being that duplicate content is spammy.

– Use one main keyword

– Use 70 characters

– Make it similar to the page title

Body Content

The content is most important element with On-Page SEO, these days. Your rankings will go nowhere if you do not have unique and engaging content for your readers. When optimizing the content be careful with the use of primary and secondary keyword phrases. Place them in a natural way and do not over-use them. It’s proven that search engine crawlers can find whether your page is using keywords without relevance and if the content is lacking quality.

– Make the content as relevant, useful and comprehensive as possible

– Use one primary keyword and no more than 2-3 secondary keywords

– Use the H2 and H3 tags to break up different sections.

Pictures/Images Website

pictures are one of the most under-optimized and under-utilized SEO asset. Having great visual content and pictures is another way to brand and rank your site. Most search engines factor the optimization of pictures when determining page rankings.

– Place a picture on every page/post

– Use caption text, to describe the picture

– Change the picture file name to a relevant keyword

– Use the alt text as the primary or secondary keyword.

Internal & External Links

This is not link building, that is off-page SEO. Internal and external links refer specifically to the links on your pages that link towards another page on your site or off your site. You should have internal links when you have new post or pages that are relevant to old post or pages. You should do external links when your need to refer to a different source or your giving credit. Also it’s very natural to do this because it’s odd to have a site without any external links.

To make sure that you don’t giveaway any of your link juice, be sure to include the no-follow tag when doing a external link. But you may want to include a few external links, which are do-follow, that link out to authority sites.







I'm Olivia, a stay at home mother from Australia and I blog at www.EveryHomeRemedy.com. I have a sports science background and attained a Bachelor of Applied Science (Ex. Sci.). I believe in self-sustaining, eco-friendly family life, and I hope to inspire others in their pursuit of the same.