Overcoming Internal Obstacles To Being Healthy


When it comes to achieving your health goals, you’ll often come across internal obstacles. These obstacles often present themselves in the form of resistance, as negative thoughts and emotions towards a person, place, thing, or situation.

In other cases, internal obstacles present themselves in the form of attachment. This is a psychological impulse or force which can move a person away from making decisions which are most optimal. Attachments might be addictions in some form, or they can take the form of illusive desires. These desires will often act as distractions causing a person to not squeeze the most value out of the time they have available.

Initially, as you make your efforts towards being healthy, it’s going to be helpful to notice anything inside of you which is holding you back. Being crystal clear about these internal obstacles is essential for overcoming self-sabotage. Besides paying complete attention to what is going on inside of yourself, (observing your emotions and thoughts with great focus), it’s a good idea to write down with great clarity what internal obstacles hold you back.

For example, you might resist eating healthy foods because you have an issue with taste. You might be attached to eating foods which contain too much sugar. Perhaps you have unresolved emotions, creating built-up resistance which cause you to overeat. Or, when you find yourself getting tired, you also are compelled to grab the closest snack near you whether it’s healthy or not. This would seem like some mixture of attachment and resistance, where you experience compulsive behavior and you’re also pursuing actions which might be covering up negative emotions.

Whether it’s some form of attachment, resistance, or some combination of both, EFT is one potential solution for dealing with self-sabotage. The steps to EFT are:

) Create a reminder phrase for an internal obstacle you’ve identified: Examples:

“Attachment/addiction to sweet foods”

“Resistance to eating healthier foods”

“Not liking the taste of foods which are healthier”

“Feeling like I am depriving myself”

“Negative feelings about _______.”

“Negative thoughts about _________. ”

“Attachment/addiction to ________.”

“Illusive need or desire to ______.”

“Resistance to ______.”

2) Tap the following points, listed in sequence,  while repeating the reminder phrase, out loud or mentally:

  • Top Of The Head
  • Eyebrow
  • Side Of The Eye
  • Under The Eye
  • Chin
  • Collarbone
  • Under The Arm
  • Wrists/Karate Chop Point

The link  visually provides the location for all points mentioned above

Tapping Points

3) Now, think of the reminder phrase, and rate from a scale of 0-10 how much emotional charge is still present in the body. You’ll be using a scale for this from 0-10. O means there is no emotional while 10 represents the highest end of the scale, where you indicate there is a huge amount of emotional charge in your body.

4) If emotional charge is rated at 0, stop at this point. If emotional charge is rated as above 0, repeat steps 2 and 3 of this process until emotional charge is rated at 0.

One other helpful area to look at might be your thoughts and emotions concerning being unhealthy. If you have negative thoughts and emotions about being unhealthy, they can act as a form of resistance. ‘What you resists, persists.’ Thus, any resistance to being unhealthy is only going to perpetuate more situations where you find yourself being unhealthy. Tapping through these negative thoughts and emotions, along with any attachment you might have to being unhealthy will be helpful. Simply use the EFT process above.

If you feel as if you still need help in dealing with self-sabotage, you might also want to consider seeing someone who specializes in EFT.

Seeing an EFT professional could help in the process of identifying and removing the psychological blind spots which hold you back from being healthy.



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