Orgasms Proven to Treat Headache and Migraine Pain


Orgasms Proven to Treat Headache and Migraine Pain
Believe it or not scientists have conducted a study that may in fact prove wrong that age-old sitcom joke of not getting any because “I have a headache.” Men; take out your pencils. Is it possible that sexual intercourse and/or sexual activity may in fact rid us of our headache and migraine pain?

The Study
In 2001 a study was conducted on 57 different women. The women were to report their headache and migraine pain during sexual intercourse and sexual activity as to better understand the effects of such an activity on the brain. Of the 57 women in the study 30 percent of the women reported that they experienced slight relief from their headache and migraine pain during intercourse. Of the 57 women another 17.5 percent of the women reported that they were entirely pain free from their headache and migraine pain after both sexual intercourse and sexual activity. However, of the 57 women 5.3 percent of the women reported that they experienced a worsening of the pain felt and brought on by their headache and migraine.

The conclusion made by Dr. Evans and Dr. Couch, who headed the study, found out that it may in fact be possible that neural activity (orgasm) could suppress a neural event such as a headache or migraine. This is because during sexual intercourse or during sexual activity the brain releases both endorphins and serotonin which in response counteracts the pain brought on by headaches and migraines. However, if the headache or migraine is too severe than sexual intercourse and even sexual activity may not be possible due to the amount of pain experienced.

Properly Diagnosing your Headache
Although the study conducted may help show that orgasms may be proven to treat headache and migraine pain it is not safe to immediately resort to sexual activity if headache or migraine pain is experienced. A proper diagnosis must first be conducted on yourself in order to be sure that sexual activity may in fact benefit the body as oppose to worsening headache and migraine pain. For example, if the body not properly hydrated or malnourishment is being experienced from the lack of consuming a healthy amount of calories throughout the day will lead to headache pain that will be worsened by sexual activity.

Be sure that you are properly hydrated and nourished prior to assuming that sexual intercourse or sexual activity may alleviate your headache and migraine pain.



“How Sex May Relieve Headache Pain.” By Rosalyn Carson-DeWitt

“Orgasms, Migraines, and Headaches. (Page 2)” By Teri Robert Lead Expert.

Alden Morris
Proprietor at All Done Marketing
Alden Morris is a freelance writer and producer of content aimed to create interest, inspire, and educate.