Instead of using the store-bought insect repellents, homemade natural mosquito&insect repellents are becoming more and more popular these days. For avoiding chemicals like DEET in almost all of the commercial insect repellents, there are many homemade insect spray ingredients and recipes you can use, which can be made easily at home, and also inexpensive.
Bug Free Spray Recipe with Essential Oils
- Essential oils: Choose which you like, such as clove, lemongrass, rosemary, tea tree, basil, lavender, peppermint, citronella, eucalyptus, catnip
- Natural Witch Hazel
- Water
50/50 of water and witch hazel in a spray bottle, and then add 30-50 drops of essential oils.
Bug Spray From Herbs
- Herbs: Peppermint, lemongrass, lavender, citronella, catnip, lemon thyme, oregano, thyme or spearmint
- Witch hazel
- Water
Use the combination of the herbs you like, and add 3-4 tablespoon of them into a cup of boiled water. Mix it well and let it cool, then strain the herbs out and mix water with 1 cup of witch hazel. Store it in a spray bottle and us as needed.
Actually you can make many insect repellents with different color and smell by using these natural ingredients, they will keep you away from pests and insects from your garden and your skin.
What makes these essential oils and herbal plants working? Find out why:
Catnip: A good alternative to commercial chemical sprays as a non-toxic option, catnip is an effective insect repellent especially for mosquito. Nepetalactone – an ingredient in it was found to be 10 times stronger than DEET.
Clove: It’s also well known for its insect repelling properties, particualary against mosquitoes and flies. You can plant it in your garden or use the oil to repel mosquitoes and other pests quickly. For detailed methods, here are 2 ways you can use cloves to repel insects.
Lavender: The smell of this plant repels mosquitoes and other insects effectively. Lavender oil can be used on your skin directly or mix with other essential oils to keep the insects away from you.
Lemon Balm: It’s easy to use this plant to make a mosquito repellent, just crush a handful of fresh leaves and apply on your skin.
Lemon Grass: The oil made from lemon grass contains citronella, which repels insects. It’s highly recommended to include it into your homemade insect repellent as it has a great aroma, that’s why it is often used in perfumes.
Tea Tree: The scent of natural tea tree oil is too strong for any insects to get near, mix it with other oils to make a great bug repellent.
Eucalyptus: Made from the eucalyptus tree, eucalyptus oil repels insects such as mosquitoes, sandflies, ticks, midges, stable flies and more. It’s said that “Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil Is Better Mosquito Repellent Than DEET“.
Basil: This fragrant plant repels flies, mosquitoes and other unwanted insects around your house. Both fresh basil leaves and basil oil can be used to make natural bug repellent.
Thyme: The smell of this plant repels a lot of insects and pests, including flies, cabbage maggots, corn earworms and tomato hornworms.
Rosemary: It’s not only popular in cooking but also has a number of medicinal uses and as a household herb. Rosemary oil repels mosquitoes effectively and it’s unpleasant to many other insects.
Keep reading and find out more natural plants that repel insects at:
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