Natural Treatments for Lower Back Pain When running


Lower back pain can occur when or after running. Doctors would usually prescribe muscle relaxants to receive quick but temporary relief. Unfortunately, these drugs could cause poor muscle tone and coordination.

If you want to avoid those prescription meds, there are some herbal soothers that you can try for your lower back pain as a result of running.


It’s derived from pineapples. Bromelain is an enzyme that promotes proper blood circulation. It reduces swelling and inflammation.

Experts recommend taking up to 500 mg of bromelain. But it must not be taken if you’re using anticoagulant meds as bromelain is known as a blood-thinner.

Arnica gel

It eases muscle pain and soreness. Arnica is said to contain anti-inflammatory properties, thereby helping you recover faster from your lower back pain. Arnica gel or ointment must be applied into the sore area up to three times a day. But it should never be applied on broken skin.


To further relieve your lower back pain, try aromatherapy. If you have a bathtub, fill it with lukewarm water and add Epsom salts. Soak in it to reduce your muscle spasm. You can also add some essential oils, like rosemary and lavender, to the hot bath. Make sure that you only use essential oils known to ease stiffness and have mild antiseptic properties.


There’s a capsaicin that you can purchase over the counter. Capsaicin is a substance that makes chili spicy. When the cream is applied onto your skin, it depletes your nerve ending of substance P, a neurochemical transmitted to the brain to send pain sensations. When there’s less of it in your blood, the pain is reduced.

Peppermint oil

It may also help in preventing stiffness. Massage this oil to your lower back to ease the pain. But don’t use concentrated peppermint oil. Instead, add 10 drops of it to 30 ml of almond oil. Then, apply it to your lower back to ease the pain. Do it twice a day or when necessary.


Janey Danes
Janey is a licensed laboratory scientist. She's also a blogger and loves to play tennis. You can find her work at Vimchi, Travel Philippines and Medical Technology Avenue.