Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight and keep it off knows how hard it can be. Dieters are constantly on the look out for any new product or pill that will give them an edge and allow them to slim down quick. Problem is, there is no “miracle” pill: losing weight requires hard work and dedication. Besides, many of those pills are unsafe and provide only temporary results. Diet and exercise are key to shedding pounds and looking one’s best.
However, there are certain herbs that can be added to a diet to help with shedding excess weight. These herbs come in pill or liquid form and are taken directly from the plant’s leaves so they’re all natural. They are used to enhance a dieters bodily functions, like metabolism, so weight loss is a little easier.
Here are the best herbs for weight loss:
- Green Tea Extract: This herb has catechins (a type of antioxidants),which are proven to increase metabolism and stimulate the body’s ability to burn fat. Dieters can take two 400 mg pills a day or add 20 drops of the liquid to a drink or even food (like soup).
- Fish oil: This is one of the most popular herbs for weight loss because it is the most effective when it comes to burning fat. Fish oil contains omega fatty acids, which reconditions the body to use its fat for fuel instead if storing it.
studies have shown a good exercise routine combined with fish oil can lower body fat and curb cravings. Take between 1,00 and 2,00 grams a day. Start slow and gradually increase your dosage.
- L-glutamine: This herb is used to combat cravings from low blood-sugar levels. Low blood sugar triggers cravings and causes overeating. L-glutamine is an amino acid that will tell the brain it is full so the body is not hungry and squash those tendencies to indulge. Take two 500 mg capsules three times a day, preferably before each meal for two months.
- Green Coffee Beans: This is one of the best herbs for weight loss because it contains a compound known as chlorogenis, which is proven to increase the absorption of fat and deter weight gain. Take 800 mg twice a day, before a meal for best results.
These herbs will provide individuals with a little extra boost to make losing weight easier. They are not miracle pills, but are safe, natural supplements that can get results.
About The Author: Alex Jordon has written articles on various physical and mental health related conditions, including diabetes/ heart disease/ autism/depression/Nutrition/fitness/diets/fad diets/herbs/alternative therapies/weight loss/obesity in children and adults/smoking risks/alcohol risks/fast foods/disease….
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