The Mediterranean region is famous for its healthy recipes and eating habits which emphasize seasonality, traditional preparations, and natural produce. The Mediterranean diet has various sources of food and focuses mainly on the intake of olive oil as an important source of beneficial fat. The diet has been studied since the 70s, and researchers have found that the Meditteranean population has low rates of obesity and chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol.
The Mediterranean menu includes whole grains, legumes, beans, vegetables, fruits, and fish. The diet also encourages to eat less red meat products because they have a high percentage of fat, calories, and cholesterol. Also, as a traditional diet; 28 Day Mediterranean Diet Plan has awesome daily recipes that are weight loss friendly and offer a traditional Meditteranean flavor. The 4 weeks nutrition program reduces the proportion of cholesterol and modulates blood pressure without depriving the body of the various important nutrients needed.
Mediterranean diet foods:
1. Eating small amounts of yogurt and special kind of cheese because they contain calcium.
2. Whole grains and starches such as pasta, bread, rice, bulgur, bran, and potatoes.
3. Fish is usually steamed or grilled, which is advised to eat several times per week, you can also have tuna or salmon or mackerel, and avoid fried fish.
4. Boil eggs, several times a week,
5. Eating red meat, no more than once a week.
6. Two vegetarian meals at least once each week.
7. Eating various kinds of legumes, vegetables, herbs, grains, fresh fruits, to help reduce LDL cholesterol in the body, leading to weight loss.
8. Nuts, they contain a high proportion of fat except for walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds. Also, beware not to consume them to a large degree unless you’re exercising daily.
9. Eating vegetables steamed or boiled without high-calorie extras.
10. Always use olive oil instead of butter and other oils, for example, you can make a sauce for pasta by adding one tablespoon of olive oil, garlic, onion and one tablespoon of tomato sauce to prepare a healthy sauce for your pasta.
11. Eating fresh fruits instead of sweets.
12. You can have coffee, tea, but without sugar and in moderation.
Foods that should not be eaten in this diet:
1. Processed foods.
2. Fried foods in general.
3. Junk food – fast food.
4. Sugary drinks like regular soft drinks and diet kinds, as well manufactured juices.
5. Sausage, hamburgers, and bacon.
6. Cakes and cookies and chocolate cake.
7. Processed meat, high-calorie.
That’s it,
The Mediterranean diet has been around for decades now and received no criticism by the World Health Organization, in contrast to other diets. It also ranked third out of 35 diets according to U.S. News & World Report.