How To Make Your Home Clutter A Free world


It is possible to live in a clutter-free home. You can take baby steps or you can dive right into it, but the end result remains the same-a beautiful, clutter-free home! Sometimes staring at all the clutter in your home can leave you so overwhelmed that you think that it is absolutely not possible to get rid of it!

The tips below should help steer you in the right direction:

It starts with the first step

Believe it is possible to live in a clutter free home and take measures to de-clutter it. It starts with picking up one item and either storing it in the right place or getting rid of it if it of no use anymore. After you have taken the first step, endeavor to take the next step and the next one after that and in no time you will find yourself living in a clutter-free home.

Develop a clutter-free mentality

A clutter-free mentality starts with putting away an item to where it has to go. Shoes belong on a shoe rack or shoe closet not the floor. The same applies to anything else that is not furniture and has no place on the floor! Strive to clean as you go as dirt left to pile up can be hard to clean later when you have other things you need to do. For example, try leaving the kitchen clean after having dinner or when you are done with cooking.

Make regular purges

You may purge every few days, every week, month or year depending on how clutter-free you want your home to be. As long as you purge as frequently as possible, you should be good. You need to go through the things in your home and find which are worth keeping and why and which need getting rid of.

Store things in the right place

When you have a place to store many things in your home, you are one step closer to having a clutter-free home. This is in addition to actually storing things where they are supposed to go. Make use of storage options such as baskets, storage containers and storage racks to organize things in your home.

Teach others the importance of de-cluttering

In case you live with family, you can teach them the importance of de-cluttering and find a time to de-clutter as a family.

Steer clear of things you don’t really need

Once you have de-cluttered your home, try as much as possible not to bring in new clutter. Every time you are going to buy something new or bring something new into your home ask yourself if it is really needed and if it is, ask yourself where it will be stored.

If you fail, lift yourself up and try again

Sometimes you may be on the right track to having a clutter-free home for a few months then go back to your own cluttering ways. When this happens, you need to learn to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get back on track to living in a clutter-free home!


Chicago Now – Why You Should Purge On A Regular Basis
DonRacks – Retail Storage Racks
Gretchen Rubin – Do You Have Clutter Mentality?

James Jacobs