Lose Weight Fast and Safely with Fasting


Many wonder what is the healthiest way to lose weight fast. The answer is relatively simple – being in caloric deficit, or burning more than you consume

Losing weight fast is stressful for your body. Common issues are: low libido, headaches, sleep problems, anxiousness and food cravings. Limiting the intake of fats and carbs makes the problem even worse.Both of them play vital roles for reproductive, endocrine and nervous systems.
However there is an alternate way to drop weight while maintaining sense of well being. It is called short term fasting or more recently referred as intermittent fasting.


What is Intermittent Fasting


A  pattern of eating which consists of two parts – fasting and feasting. Your fast period lasts anywhere between 14 to 23 hours , you don’t consume any calories. Then during feasting period ( 10 to 1 hour) you eat. This is an excellent way to lose weight fast and it also fits most individuals work schedule.


Weight loss and fasting


Fasting is much more effective then standard caloric deficit, according to one study 65% of Fasting group lost weight, while caloric deficit group’s only 40% lost weight.
This study noted that after 24 hour fast there was a 2000% increase in Growth hormone. A powerful muscle building and fat burning hormone


Insulin and Fasting

Intermittent fasting has been shown to decrease insulin and improve insulin sensitivity in multiple studies.


Other Health benefits of fasting


Fasting has also been shown to induce Autophagy. Autophagy is a process of so called “detox”. Other than fast weight loss and detoxification, intermittent fasting also increases luteinizing hormone and testosterone according to this study. So you get an increase in testosterone which will furthermore help with fat burning and will stimulate your sex drive.

But it is not all. Fasting has also been shown to improve brain health and cognitive skills!


My recommendation

Personally I do 16 hour fast everyday and a 24 hour fast once a week. Not to go in details, I can say one think i feel GREAT! and I am rocking a 10-11% body fat year around without watching my calories too much. I would strongly advice to drink plenty of water during your fast . You will lose weight but you won’t get dehydrated.

To learn more about Mika Nanikashvili visit: http://anaxmen.com  


study– Insulin and Fasting

study– Fasting and weight loss

study– Fasting and cognitive skills

study– Fasting induces autophagy

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