Lose Belly Fat With the High Intensity Interval Training 8/12-Second 60-Rep Workout


In recent years, high intensity interval training (HIIT) has proven to us that we can achieve a greater level of fitness, plus lose weight, with a shorter, tougher workout approximately 20-minutes in length. This is not rocket science. The premise is that we work our cardiovascular system harder than usual, give the body minimal time to rest, and repeat the same for up to 60 repetitions. If Australian researchers support it, why is everyone not completing these workouts and achieving weight loss and optimum health?

Weight Loss From High Intensity Interval Training

In the Australian study, the subjects were put on a 12-week program where they had to complete three 20-minute sprints per week. The subjects had to sprint as hard as they could for 8-seconds, which was followed by a 12-second rest. This was repeated until 60 repetitions had been completed for a total of 20-minutes The researchers discovered that each subject lost as much weight in the hour of exercise as they would have completed with up to seven hours of jogging. One of the researchers, Dr Boutcher, said,

We don’t know why, but moving limbs very fast generates high levels of catecholamine.”

Catecholamine’s are a group of hormones that encourage the release of visceral fat from the abdominal region. Visceral fat is the fat that surrounds our internal organs. This is the fat that healthcare experts are always telling us to reduce, as it can lead to heart disease and type II diabetes. Dr Boutcher’s findings are published in the Journal of Obesity.

Lose Belly Fat With High Intensity Interval Training

During my own experimentation with the 8/12 60 rep workout, I burnt up to 270-calories per 20-minute workout. I will state that this workout was not easy, but I would love to have the mental strength to complete my two-month experiment. This workout is good to perform on a spinning bike, as it is possible to change resistance in only a few seconds. Done on a treadmill, this same workout may not give the body the sufficient rest time it to complete the workout effectively. In fact, I tried the 8/12-second 60-rep workout on an elliptical trainer at the gym and couldn’t make it past 10-reps. Remember; you must feel comfortable with the workout. I felt comfortable on a spin bike.

HIIT Suppresses Appetite

What I experienced during my experimentation period with the 8/12-second workout was the suppressed appetite. I experienced no hunger for several hours after the 20-minute workout. Nancy Clark, author of the Sports Nutrition Guidebook reported a study of female subject aged 30 to 45 who lost more body fat than the subjects who performed the low intensity workouts. She also said, “

One benefit of high intensity exercise is it can suppress the appetite (temporarily) compared to lower intensity exercise.”

In Conclusion

Exercise is important to keep the cardiovascular system healthy, but some types of exercise strengthen the heart rapidly, while also encouraging weight loss. High Intensity Interval Training, specifically the 8/12-second 60-rep workout can target visceral fat in the abdominal region, and therefore reduce our risk of developing heart disease and type II diabetes. However, this type of training is advanced. It is important that you consult your physician before you begin an exercise program. Also, work up to a good level of fitness before you attempt the 8/12-second 60-rep workout. However, once you have developed a good level of fitness, there is no reason why you would not lose belly fat.


Lifehacker – Researchers Say This is The Single Most Efficient Exercise Regime

Web MD – The Truth About Fats Page 2

US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health – High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise and Fat Loss

Women Running Together – High Intensity Interval Training

Helen Garvey
Author of Beauty Zone https://www.beauty-zone.co.uk, Healthy Woman https://www.healthy-woman.co.uk, and New Promo Codes http://www.newpromocodes.co.uk. Written on various topics, including finance, relationships, health and beauty, skincare, and health and fitness.